hello mr. government-man-that-reads-all-my-stuff-online, how are you today? i am being a really good citizen! i am good and average and very happy and comfortable, thank you! i work and sleep and eat very well, thank you! your approval of products and foods makes me feel safe, thank you! as do your unmaned police cars parked in parking lots and banks, they make me feel safe, thank you! i do get depressed sometimes but the medicine helps, thank you! your latest television programming has made my entire family happy, like camping in funland around a talking campfire with pictures, thank you! my car is great and the air conditioning makes it seem like the whole ozone layer is there, thank you! okay mr. government-man-that-reads-all-my-stuff-online, i must go now to pray at a church and watch golf on television. thank you again for letting me be the best citizen i can be in such a glorious country that sets a global standard for integrity, honesty, and fairness.
i don't work for the government anymore!
so quit it!