blah blah blah......................... blah wink
While I'm making this journal entry the song red hot by Motley crue is playing in the background and i'm not sure why, but I'm enjoying it. It was a very slow day today. My mother came over and I watched Scar face with her, which was cool being that she's never it seen before. I forgot how much I liked that movie. But man...
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blahblahblah.....blah blah smile
I used to know this woman who had the most beautiful
tattoos on the top sides of both of her hands
she was forty three years old and as far as I know
had never yet been with a man
its not that she wasn't attractive she was beatiful
but its the way that she interacted
she was aggressively passive to the point where she...
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whats up all ive been a member of this site since 2001 and Finaly created a profile biggrin booring day and the vikings suck puke
profile pic coming soon
more later
--- skull joewww skull ---