Hear, See, Speak
Strolling through the ranges of rock thousand of feet high
Exuberant blue brilliance not a cloud in the sky
Than from the mountain in closest proximity
Explodes with extreme ferocity
Do I run, take cover or hide
Give it all you got and I will still be standing
Masses instilled in fear
Exaggeration of miniscule
Propaganda brought us here
Wake UP!
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Strolling through the ranges of rock thousand of feet high
Exuberant blue brilliance not a cloud in the sky
Than from the mountain in closest proximity
Explodes with extreme ferocity
Do I run, take cover or hide
Give it all you got and I will still be standing
Masses instilled in fear
Exaggeration of miniscule
Propaganda brought us here
Wake UP!
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I see trouble days ahead,
Days of agony, desperation, and many dead,
Moon of blood, sea of black, defilation of air,
Stone age returns, tools of rock, how did we get here?
Merry go-round, up down oblivious,
Asteroids conceived by man, plummet,
To the ground, death all around, no where to run.
Neglected eyes, we watch the skies and see mazes of jet stream fright...
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Days of agony, desperation, and many dead,
Moon of blood, sea of black, defilation of air,
Stone age returns, tools of rock, how did we get here?
Merry go-round, up down oblivious,
Asteroids conceived by man, plummet,
To the ground, death all around, no where to run.
Neglected eyes, we watch the skies and see mazes of jet stream fright...
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Well i spent the last 3 days in Wahsington state. What a place, the lack of overpowering superficialism, the expression and welcoming greetings of the average local was amazing.
Step out into the free air, no smog no deathly particals,
the welcoming cold, the blinding green
Within a forest lies a diy city beautiful and sureen,
Desire to stay and join this culture and community...
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Step out into the free air, no smog no deathly particals,
the welcoming cold, the blinding green
Within a forest lies a diy city beautiful and sureen,
Desire to stay and join this culture and community...
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well i really have nothing to say that contains any real importance or substance so i will just basicaly make that point and be on my way.
thanks for your comment ages ago on my journal - i hope i'm not just one of the mediocre academics who ended up there because they had no other marketable skills. i find someone stimulating about once every two years, so i'm coming due....
where was your friend sent? are they doing all right?
where was your friend sent? are they doing all right?
A quick glance this place is so great to see,
Stare to hard and confusion and reality increase exponentially,
From ice to ice from fast food to rice plagued with hate and greed,
The helpless plea lost in the fast pace quest for capitol,
6 billion people is one gorging mouth to feed
Transparent ooze saturates our every breath,
Ficsation with the after world and...
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Stare to hard and confusion and reality increase exponentially,
From ice to ice from fast food to rice plagued with hate and greed,
The helpless plea lost in the fast pace quest for capitol,
6 billion people is one gorging mouth to feed
Transparent ooze saturates our every breath,
Ficsation with the after world and...
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There is a lurking shadow i cannot see,
The transparent darkness cast no shade,
Visibility of this restriction of light
dwells within, confined, hidden, ignored.
The creature of silhouette dwells upon freedom,
Beyond is restricted quarters lies the potential victim,
This victim is no further then my flesh, my nerves,
The creature is me, my Mr. Hyde.
My potion is no fluid concoction,
Control has...
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The transparent darkness cast no shade,
Visibility of this restriction of light
dwells within, confined, hidden, ignored.
The creature of silhouette dwells upon freedom,
Beyond is restricted quarters lies the potential victim,
This victim is no further then my flesh, my nerves,
The creature is me, my Mr. Hyde.
My potion is no fluid concoction,
Control has...
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Your last line in particular makes a lot of sense to me.
Im sick and tired of feeling as if i will never make the difference in the world i want to make. I push foward dispite this gut wrenching pesimisim to give the world my best one to punch combo. For long the people of this crakced out planet have seen me as a malable oxygen breathing human that can and will be molded to fit...
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no i dont play...it was just 4 looks
what up dude
I have long time been a fan of the sub culture girls. Now there is finally a place for them to have a voice and be expressive within an eviroment of safety and freedom. Everyone women has beauty, it takes attention and an open mind to discover the treasure of this beauty. With proper nurishment and encouragement this beauty willl epervess beyond imagination illuminating the...
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its on the roof of a parking garage. and thanks about the hair
Thats one of my favorite films as well (hedwig)
Thats one of my favorite films as well (hedwig)
to submit an article click the "News" link, and then there's a thing that says "SUBMIT NEWS", which you click.
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Good Luck :-)