- on mintybee's post on joelyboy32's page
- on noelbunny's post on joelyboy32's page
- on acid_'s post on joelyboy32's page
- on mermaidqueen's post on joelyboy32's page
- on shugar's post on joelyboy32's page
- on curlysue1808's post on joelyboy32's page
Matakana nz
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't...
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one day of work then Xmas holidays, seems weird working a Monday then 2 weeks off. Hope everyone has an awesome Xmas with lots of tattoo vouchers. If there is such a thing :)
I used to get all excited As a kid and tear Sellotape and grope the gifts under the tree to see if they were any good or not. The most excited...
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my main goal for 2014 is to be more sociable and not let my anxiety rule me. I hope to make some new friends and live life to the full. Going to Perth and finding a job won't be easy but it's going to help me grow and be a stronger person. Also I want to stop thinking of girls as sexual objects and make...
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Passed my exam, I'm now an electrician, I'm a very happy man :) Will be heading to Perth mid jan after wisdom teeth Are removed. Have one contact to get a job in mines on barrow island then it's down to hopes and prayers. Life is good
Well I sat my theory exam today, basically the last exam to pass before becoming an electrician.
I'm not overly confident and have either scraped in or failed. I hate not being in control and waiting 2-3 weeks for an exam result is not good for a worrier like me.
I also work for a family electrical business in auckland and can't wait to leave....
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I lied about being an electrician, well I have a theory exam in 3 weeks and then I'll be a registered electrician. (Last year apprentice)
I'm making the move to Western Australia to work in the mines, hardly the first kiwi to come up with the idea as most Aussies in Perth will know. That's assuming I pass my exam and can get over my...
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my first suicidegirls blog entry and bound to be average. Friday evening in auckland just kicking back with a beer.No plans for the weekend though that could change. Got burnt today because I thought Maoris didn't have to wear sunscreen but looks like I'm wrong. This time last year I was in Bali dodging foot rubs and massages on the beach, still , can't complain...
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