When I was being carried away by 2 security gaurds last friday at the Iron Maiden Concert, my glasses were lost. I can deal with it during the day, but at night i'm as blind as a bat. So today I'm going to get me some new glasses. Word is Bond. I'm getting two pair because its buy one get one free. So i'm getting an ugly dorky pair(cause I like em) and a "looking good" pair. I'm actually excited I havent gotten new glasses in a long time. I probably should have since my eyes have been worse since I broke my Face
almost a year ago. I'm telling you.... Joe Was Ruthless, but not anymore because he cant afford to be......... Thank GOd I aint rich or else I'd be a douchebag.

i luv that american word 'douchebag' i call all my friends in england it when i get pissed and they dont care coz they have no idea what it means, i am sure if they did i would get a crack in my face !
i have to wear glasses too, i have a lazy eye...the left one is basically fucked ! if i close my right eye i cant see anything apart from different blury colours
i had to wear them constantly when i was a kid but now i just wear them for reading and when my eye starts to feel strained. when i was like 5 they made me wear a huge patch over my good eye to try and force the bad to eye to work (WTF) did they really think that was going to work ? the only thing that it managed to do was get me into fights with bitches and arseholes that called me 'one eye willy' lololololol....kids are bastards !
hope you have a kewl weekend
(no more fighting)
I'm not bitter.