Ok, so between 7:50 and 8:10 this morning, i've gotten two calls from crazy crack guy. first one just asking if I wanted to get coffee, UH NO. And the second voicemail went a little something like this...
"hey, I keep calling and cant get a call back. I miss hanging out with you, just bullshiting, or whatever. Getting some skin, no drama. Alright well call me later"
Yeah get the point, I don't answer my phone, and I don't call you back LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God i'm so fucking pissed/creeped out/irritated/scared. I just want it to stop!!!!!!!!!
Creepy crack stalker is at it again. So, last friday I was a bit drunk, and decided to go into work to ask my boss something. Needless to say everyone had a lovely laugh about me and my masturbation. As my boss said, "you set yourself up for stuff like that you know!" Anyhow, thats not the point of my story. I found out yesterday that crack guy came in litteraly almost as soon as I walked out the door. He just came in to "look" at the menue and then left, and everyone in there knew he was looking for me. Then later that night I got a phone call from him, I have learned not to answer. And then today while i'm at work we notice him walking by, so my boss tells me to go hide in the back, and when I finally can come out, he told me that creepy dude was definitely looking for me.
I am so freaked out by this. Thank god he doesn't know where I live. although, in this small of a town it wouldn't be that hard to locate my car in front of my building if he really wanted to. yuck, i'm so creeped out by this you don't even know. I really just wish he would stop and leave me alone. The thing i'm afraid of is that i'm alone at work in the afternoons, and I really don't want him to come in while i'm there all alone. IT FREAKS ME OUT. So i'm constantly on the lookout for him, just waiting to have to run into the back and hide from him.ugh...
But you know. Today was the day from hell. I had to work late, was slammed, had no help at work, barely had time to change before heading to school, where I had to dissect a pig heart (which while interesting just isn't my thing). I haven't eaten anything today, i'm exhuasted, and I have just as busy of a day tommorow.
But I get my hair redone on friday wich makes me
yuck. I also discovered that I have a week off from school, so i'm thinking about taking a couple days and maybe heading up to seattle or something fun like that. who knows, maybe i'll just spend the week resting.
Ok, i'm off to watch some CSI and head to bed.
In honor of tonight biology lab:

Ok, so between 7:50 and 8:10 this morning, i've gotten two calls from crazy crack guy. first one just asking if I wanted to get coffee, UH NO. And the second voicemail went a little something like this...
"hey, I keep calling and cant get a call back. I miss hanging out with you, just bullshiting, or whatever. Getting some skin, no drama. Alright well call me later"
Yeah get the point, I don't answer my phone, and I don't call you back LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God i'm so fucking pissed/creeped out/irritated/scared. I just want it to stop!!!!!!!!!
Creepy crack stalker is at it again. So, last friday I was a bit drunk, and decided to go into work to ask my boss something. Needless to say everyone had a lovely laugh about me and my masturbation. As my boss said, "you set yourself up for stuff like that you know!" Anyhow, thats not the point of my story. I found out yesterday that crack guy came in litteraly almost as soon as I walked out the door. He just came in to "look" at the menue and then left, and everyone in there knew he was looking for me. Then later that night I got a phone call from him, I have learned not to answer. And then today while i'm at work we notice him walking by, so my boss tells me to go hide in the back, and when I finally can come out, he told me that creepy dude was definitely looking for me.
I am so freaked out by this. Thank god he doesn't know where I live. although, in this small of a town it wouldn't be that hard to locate my car in front of my building if he really wanted to. yuck, i'm so creeped out by this you don't even know. I really just wish he would stop and leave me alone. The thing i'm afraid of is that i'm alone at work in the afternoons, and I really don't want him to come in while i'm there all alone. IT FREAKS ME OUT. So i'm constantly on the lookout for him, just waiting to have to run into the back and hide from him.ugh...
But you know. Today was the day from hell. I had to work late, was slammed, had no help at work, barely had time to change before heading to school, where I had to dissect a pig heart (which while interesting just isn't my thing). I haven't eaten anything today, i'm exhuasted, and I have just as busy of a day tommorow.
But I get my hair redone on friday wich makes me

Ok, i'm off to watch some CSI and head to bed.
In honor of tonight biology lab:

that is one disgusting heart. yummay!
I like the blue idea... but I also really love this purple look:
I love CSI. When I was pregnant, I got every season from netflix and watched them all while I sat on the couch and ate lemon meringue pie.
Things are much better with my guy, thank you... he is a gem and sometimes I am freaking out so much that I forget about that obvious fact. I can be a dolt.