Will you be my valentine?
Few days in england now. London was fun, brief, didn't go out, but
considering how fast all this flying around is going it was nice to kick
back and enjoy some solitude, 5-star accomodations and all that.
As much as this is still work, and some hard work at that it's a bit of
a vacation from the Le tigre world. New music, new social dynamic, new
set of challenges, and a break from the old ones. I know I'm going to go
back feeling pretty refreshed when we start up again in DC.
Everything they say about English weather is true. Esp in
Few days in england now. London was fun, brief, didn't go out, but
considering how fast all this flying around is going it was nice to kick
back and enjoy some solitude, 5-star accomodations and all that.
As much as this is still work, and some hard work at that it's a bit of
a vacation from the Le tigre world. New music, new social dynamic, new
set of challenges, and a break from the old ones. I know I'm going to go
back feeling pretty refreshed when we start up again in DC.
Everything they say about English weather is true. Esp in
Yes, I will be your Valentine. I'm still waiting for my lavish gifts though.
The picture off the wing was mouthdroppingly beautiful.