Get's here waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to fast!! Guess I'm calling it a night so I can get the this last day of work in and start my weekend! To those who have already started I hope it kicked off exactly the way you wanted! Have fun party animals. I'm calling it a night! ;)

@diamonddoll No problem ;) And thanks. Gotta keep on smiling. Hearing from you definitely helps put a smile there. 
I am glad hun ;-)

I should be thinking about things that I can control compared to things that I cannot.

I should not be thinking about how I have to work tomorrow (At 3am), but that it's my last day of work until Tuesday.

I should be thinking of how things can always be alot worse.

I should not be thinking about how I wont be getting a PS4
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Lol yes they do...and everyday I get a chance to be lazy I do Fridays just seem work well lately lol
Ha! Well hope things keep working out well for you on Friday's. Definitely looking forward to next Friday already lol
I was thinking how nothing lasts, and what a shame that is. Yes A Benjamin Button quote, but is exactly where I'm at right now. This past weekend I had something happen to me that really changed how I felt about someone that I really cared a great deal about. Partly my fault of my impatience and hasty nature to get answers, but really never...
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No its a dell.....and im sorry you had a rought weekend
Thanks Doll. It always could be worse, but that weekend was one for the books. I'm a big boy. I'll get through it all. 
Gosh. I never thought it'd be this hard to find employment especially being a veteran.(Just got out the Army). I've been out a little over a month now, and I'm just not what this economy is looking for. I'm gonna stay positive. Hopefully something comes my way soon. I guess I should have listened to my family who are still in the military that told...
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And thank you for your military service!!!!! I'm sure you'll get something good soon enough!!
Hey, appreciate it bro. I really hope so! I needed that. haha
It was no problem at all. I'm glad I was able to serve our country.
You do something that you know would get you upset if it were done to you, but when you do it to me you ask if I'm mad. I bite my tongue because I know if I voice my opinion or if I'm mad it will start up another fight. Fighting is the last thing I want to do with you (ever) now especially after...
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When Temptation Equates To Heartbreak

Temptation can be a great risk.
Temptation while being a risk can also be rewarding.
While rewarding it can also lead you down a path that two hearts may or may not comeback from.
I've travelled this path before, and it was the path where those two hearts ceased to co-exist.
I did not learn from this mistake.
Today I...
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