Damn I hope this Halloween isn't as lame as last years. I may have to just celebrate Halloweed instead.

Also: Need more action
Okay. Holy fuck. Sorry for the inactivity, but my laptop was being "repaired" for the last two months. Fuck. I'm back though and ready to terrorize.
haha Terrorize the innocent
Does anyone know where you can upload short stories? I think I may just start my own creative writing blog. I feel like I would quickly not use it though. Bummer huh?

Well anyway I just wrote an awesome story about redemption. It's a short story and maybe the story needs to be longer, but I think it's okay. I wrote until it was finished,...
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tumblr? diaryland? there are lots of sites for that sort of thing.
I like that I'm going back to school today. Less free time which means less time to think.

I'm honestly torn on whether or not I want to try and reconcile. Whether it's worth it or not to try and communicate at all. Then I think, "what would I say? Is there anything at all to say?" I don't think there is. Nostalgia is strong,...
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After a bad day at work I find out that I owe the IRS $400+ because they aren't withholding enough money from my paychecks.

Four more months and I'm out of here, but I'm going to be leaving someone behind.

I'm not going that far. An hour away if the trip is quick, but it won't be nearly as fun.

In four months who knows...
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The weekend was good

Friday night Mahnhammer show. Many drunk former co-workers

Saturday night dinner with Lani turned into a sleep over

Sunday night sleep over with Lani turned into... well you know

So now I have a lady friend

She does not like SG

What to do
get rid of her. youre one of us! ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Damn it. I'm back now. No controlling girlfriends while we still have this blossoming internet friendship, k?

I did not know that I could go red in the face, but today I did. An overwhelming sense of shame, heat, and claustrophobia engulfed me.

I went into a cafe because I saw a friend as I was walking past. For over half an hour I did not realize that two friends I've had since high school sat directly behind me. When one of...
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Damnit I haven't written anything!!! I'm slowly losing my lead on this book. Life keeps me busy.

I need to write a paper on BLOOD MERIDIAN. I'm intimidated. I also started THE SOUND AND THE FURY. It is also intimidating.

Also: Sex is awesome.
Third day of March and I didn't write a single word today! I figure I have about 1,200 words so far (I typed a bit up). So far it's great. I'm having a lot of fun writing it and I think that's all that matters.

I have been having a tough time with the break up lately. Whenever I see the my ex or the...
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Day 1:

The beginning of my novel is out there. It can no longer be taken back. It can be destroyed, but it has been created. My character is alive and has motivations. How long will this last?

I do not know.

What I do know is that this writing is better than sex. I don't think about anything when I write other than what...
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I thought of the name I'll be using for my first novel, which I will be attempting to write in the month of March (not November which is NaNoWriMo which reminds me of chi-mos).

It is:


Pronounced as the French number 1 or the prefix, i.e. undo.
Don't burn your bridges, even if it is hard to swallow it's good advice to follow.

Agreed. Unless you have a teleportation device.