WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I love my best friends. They make me feel so much better about that stupid bitch. I love how she says "I'm not going to be like you. i'm going to make something of myself. I'm in school and..." blah blah blah. What's she doing so great with her life? Yeah, she's in school, but she can't even spell the name of her classes properly. I know, I should get over it and quit reading her journal, but it makes me laugh. My friends (not me) have been making funny ass comments to her. Sure, I get the blame, but I know better. And I think it's also hilarious when her friends write these entries to me telling me to quit calling her a bitch and this and that...but uh, I haven't even said anything to her. Isn't grand?? HAHAHAHAHHA. It's so great.
Work sucks as usual. I need to study up a storm in the next few days. On Wednesday I have a test at 8 in the morning, then my first prenatal visit at 11, and THEN an Accounting test at 2. Talk about a crazy day!!!!!
Off to Corpus next weekend to visit good ol' mom and dad. I probably won't tell them i'm pregnant, for fear of my life. J/K.
What was the scariest thing you've ever had to admit to your parents??
Work sucks as usual. I need to study up a storm in the next few days. On Wednesday I have a test at 8 in the morning, then my first prenatal visit at 11, and THEN an Accounting test at 2. Talk about a crazy day!!!!!
Off to Corpus next weekend to visit good ol' mom and dad. I probably won't tell them i'm pregnant, for fear of my life. J/K.
What was the scariest thing you've ever had to admit to your parents??
I don't think I've had to admit to anything.
that made me decide that i don't need any drama. i'll just be content with my hum-drum little life here.
that girl is insane, like certifiable.
anyway, so your getting a computer science degree? my brother just gratuated with a cs degree and got a job with lockheed in colorado springs. things are looking up for cs grads. i was in san francisco when the bubble popped and i had a lot of software engineer and recent cs grad friends who were out of luck and work for quite a while. but it looks like things are getting better. it's not like it used to be, but it seems like some companies are hiring. mostly government contractors like lockheed, northrop grumman and boeing though. should be even better by the time your finished.
good luck with everything!