In other news, I'm trying to learn Finnish. I've just begun but I'm bound and determined to become fluent in this language. Don't bother telling me that it's neither exotic nor beautiful because I won't agree with you. And don't bother telling me it's a hard language because I don't care. My decision to learn the language is silly but I heard a song and I found the language so enticing that I ran around youtube looking for anything in Finnish. Anyone who can help or give me pointers or who speaks the language and would be willing to help me with it (writing, reading, speaking it) would be loved forever and ever and ever. And I'll make presents for you. Seriously. I want to learn this and I'm not giving up.
All this (writing my new book, learning a new language) means I have very little time lately. The only person who doesn't seem upset with me about this lack of time is my mom and for that I'm eternally grateful.
Oh. Here's the video that caught my interest, too. No one seems to agree with me on this and maybe it's just the way his mouth moves when he's singing that makes me think of this...but for some reason Ville looks like Christina Ricci to me here. I have problems.
A small piece I posted on myspace...just randomness...meant for someone in particular (don't even ask...the chance that I would tell you who is slim to none) but posted out of curiosity. Said person will never see it here, I have no fear of that and they wouldn't know it was about them anyway (<---look! I'm playing the pronoun game!). It's hiding beneath the spoiler...feel free to comment. I won't feel terribly hurt if it's not liked as I was struggling to write it anyway. I needed to get it out, but as I explain within, the words were holding out on me. Good thing they don't do that when I write books.
Could you check out my music store in my profile? It's a new thing they've just recently created. You can purchase and download individual tracks from it. My friend Jeremy did it for me. I have just 9 tracks now but when Jeremy gets around to helping me again, I'll put up 11 more as I'm entitled to.
Oh, I'd like very much to be desired that way and that much but I guess I probably never will.