Uhg. I've been sick. Nasty icky sick. It began as the sore throat Miss Laura gave me and then I got better...or so I thought. HA. That was not to be. I went to hang out with a good friend (and ex boss) early Saturday and I suppose it was all the freezing bloody wind cutting into me that did it. My ears started hurting (wtf? I hate it when that happens, and not just my plugs - we're talking the inside of my ear, like when your throat hurts so bad or you're sooooo cold...) and I drove home then proceeded to start feeling like complete and utter CRAP! I got a fever(102 - which is stoopidly high for me as I apparently run below average under normal circumstances), the sore throat came back, my body started aching and I started coughing. The damn thing moved into my chest. *sighs dramatically*
In any event, I'm feeling marginally better today. Obviously, or I wouldn't be online - haven't even felt like getting on my computer though I did attempt to lay in bed and play my DS but I fell asleep after about five minutes.
So sad. I hate having a complete lack of energy because despite the fact that I can't muster the strength to move, I still want to fidget and wiggle and I can't. *shudders in horror* It's almost like claustrophobia. Ick.
I wish I had more to say: Stories to tell, strangeness to relate or anything at all interesting. But unless you want details on the bloody chunks I get every time I sneeze or blow my nose, I got nothin'. I have slept the past however many days away and therefore remember very little of what was going on around me. Meh. Though during one wakeful period I did get a really weird message from the friend I hung out with the day I got sick asking me to come to Easter dinner with his family.
To make a long story short, he was my boss, there was a plot, he could've stopped it and chose not to for reasons I won't disclose, and I left the job and we stopped talking for a good long while. Now that we're talking again, I think the goob kinda misses me. Weird. Wasn't expecting an invitation to dinner. Turned him down cause A: I'm too sick and B: Don't want his rents getting the wrong impression since I have a bf and all. Ah, weirdness.
Yay! I feel like poop! Ima go back to sleep. Have a good day, loves.
In any event, I'm feeling marginally better today. Obviously, or I wouldn't be online - haven't even felt like getting on my computer though I did attempt to lay in bed and play my DS but I fell asleep after about five minutes.

I wish I had more to say: Stories to tell, strangeness to relate or anything at all interesting. But unless you want details on the bloody chunks I get every time I sneeze or blow my nose, I got nothin'. I have slept the past however many days away and therefore remember very little of what was going on around me. Meh. Though during one wakeful period I did get a really weird message from the friend I hung out with the day I got sick asking me to come to Easter dinner with his family.

Yay! I feel like poop! Ima go back to sleep. Have a good day, loves.
fuck yeah we are inherintly cooler. especially when it comes to fosters (ill be sure to show you directly when i get them. i cant find anyone better than eduardo and bloo)...and its nice to see another fan.
"pfft! secret doors, who needs them? What do i care about secret doors?... and the unparalleled delights they keep hidden from the world!"