*pouts* Seriously. I want it now! I know exactly what I want and where I want it. I even know who I'm going to have do it. I just have to get the money together. It's big so it'll be a considerable amount of monies. It'll be gorgeous though and worth every minute. I can't wait...or rather, I can cause I have to. Everyone I know is getting new tattoos and it makes me wanna go rob a bank or something so I can afford mine.
Meh. I've been sick for the past three days and it completely and utterly sucks. My friend Laura gave me this nasty sore throat at her ex's birthday bash.
I'm ready to be well now. At least I had fun though. Too bad I can't find the charger for my camera battery or I might have pictures of the insane things that went on that night. But I have stories! For instance: Laura, who is insanely gorgeous, fun and just...well, weird, is notorious for flashing people when she gets drunk. Not such a bad deal and completely amazing considering she has gorgeous tits. However, in addition to showing her tits constantly, she insists that people motorboat. Meaning you get to stick your face in her tits and, for whatever reason, make motorboat noises on them, like you're raspberry-ing someone's tummy. Ah. My strange friends. Then, she insisted she get to do the same to me (which is silly since I don't really have any cleavage to speak of but, whatever makes her happy!). There are pictures somewhere that another friend of ours took and I'll have to get them somehow.
Her ex is quite fond of flashing as well, much to everyone's dismay. He is constantly getting naked. He doesn't even have to be drunk. However, prior to getting naked this particular Saturday night, he decided to go swimming our friend's pool. Only, it wasn't open. The cover was still on and the moron jumped in anyway. Covered from head to toe in pollen and scum and ickiness that had collected on the top of the pool cover. Yay! And then he got naked. *shudders in horror* Oh, yeah. And he likes to pee peoples names for some weird ass reason. This time, he peed on the dog too and the owner of said dog was fucking pissed. Understandably.
Many many more strange things went on but, really, without pictures to demonstrate how amusing these things are, it's pointless. (Though I will, of course, spare everyone the dubious joy of seeing pictures of him naked.)
Weeee. I actually got writing done! I wrote for a good long time last night and I plan to write even more tonight, just as soon as I'm done with this. The boyfriend got new video games so he's completely oblivious (and oddly enough, he's playing Oblivion) which gives me lots and lots of time to write without interruption. Except from the dogs.
Minor news: New pics of my tattoos for anyone who cares and pictures of some of my crazy animals. Until I get my camera charged and/or find the discs with the rest of my pictures on them, I'll have to wait to show the rest of them off.
*pouts* Seriously. I want it now! I know exactly what I want and where I want it. I even know who I'm going to have do it. I just have to get the money together. It's big so it'll be a considerable amount of monies. It'll be gorgeous though and worth every minute. I can't wait...or rather, I can cause I have to. Everyone I know is getting new tattoos and it makes me wanna go rob a bank or something so I can afford mine.

Meh. I've been sick for the past three days and it completely and utterly sucks. My friend Laura gave me this nasty sore throat at her ex's birthday bash.

Her ex is quite fond of flashing as well, much to everyone's dismay. He is constantly getting naked. He doesn't even have to be drunk. However, prior to getting naked this particular Saturday night, he decided to go swimming our friend's pool. Only, it wasn't open. The cover was still on and the moron jumped in anyway. Covered from head to toe in pollen and scum and ickiness that had collected on the top of the pool cover. Yay! And then he got naked. *shudders in horror* Oh, yeah. And he likes to pee peoples names for some weird ass reason. This time, he peed on the dog too and the owner of said dog was fucking pissed. Understandably.
Many many more strange things went on but, really, without pictures to demonstrate how amusing these things are, it's pointless. (Though I will, of course, spare everyone the dubious joy of seeing pictures of him naked.)
Weeee. I actually got writing done! I wrote for a good long time last night and I plan to write even more tonight, just as soon as I'm done with this. The boyfriend got new video games so he's completely oblivious (and oddly enough, he's playing Oblivion) which gives me lots and lots of time to write without interruption. Except from the dogs.
Minor news: New pics of my tattoos for anyone who cares and pictures of some of my crazy animals. Until I get my camera charged and/or find the discs with the rest of my pictures on them, I'll have to wait to show the rest of them off.

not to make you feel worse, i just dont know anyone else that can appreciate these new tattoo's to come:
blooregard q kazoo and eduardo.
ive thought about cherry too, just to offset bloo.
hope that your tattoo comes to you soon. dont rob a bank, starbucks would be way more fun!!