Great action shot of Dog running through the snow last winter, with Roscoe chasing after. #dogs #wi Sep 29, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
It's such a nice day that Dog decided to go for a swim in the pond, eww. #dog #wetdog #bordercolli Sep 28, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email capitu: cute smart dog Sep 28, 2014 1 jimtwork: He's a little too smart, but his cuteness helps. Sep 28, 2014
Be careful when yanking old #fishing line out of trees, I got hooked this summer while #kayaking #t Sep 27, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email waldo_jeffers: Ouch!! Sep 27, 2014 1
Stopped by the liquor store on my way home, #founders #darkpenance & #Saugatuck #pumpkinchai Sep 25, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email
A former barn that was turned into 1 of the #charlevoix #mushroomhouses #mushroomhousesofcharlevoix Sep 19, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
Red Dog loves to snuggle with the #barn #cats #dogs #americanbulldog Sep 19, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
Bulldog buddies, Red the #americanbulldog and Maggie the boxer/ #valleybulldog mix Sep 14, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email