Wait a god damn minute...somethings missing from this site. Where the fuck is Dia???
Gone. She's startting her own site. Spooky sez he'll post the addy when it's up.
yo yo yo its jared. it was rad that you guys came to my partay...were having another one soon you guys should try to make it again.
A couple days ago I buried my furry,four legged best friend in the whole world. Right under her favorite tree wraped in her favorite leopard blanket.If it wasn't for neglect on the Vet's part my friend would be alive today. Stupid motherfucking Dr. Ron, I'll venge her death till eternitys end and I hope that fucker burns in hell. RIP Trixie you will be missed...
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Today was the big company christmas lunch. I got a $50 bonus and some fucking cookies. Yippee. Maybe I'll use the $50 to get something pierced or inked. I don't know anything to retaliate against those fuckers. mad
So today at work I got in trouble for using the phrase "Oh my god." The stupid religous fucks I work with deemed it offensive. Motherfuckers I'm outnumbered. Arrrr mad
Today bites the f'ing big one. I hate my job. Someone please save me.
Woke up this morning sick. Not good. Feeling better now.
Well Jim Nasty is no longer my alias as the recent trip up to Havusu now has everyone refering to me as "Vodka Johnson". puke To think I get thrashed one night off of silent killers and now my reputation has evolved from guitar hero wanna be to raging drunk. Nice.