i dunno.. i'm hoping that one day you'll reveal all. not that the enigma isn't fascinating.. but sometimes you'd like to know a little something about the sage behind the advice.
how come no-one stays in your world very long? have you thought about extended work visas? or maybe a thing where ancestors can come and get citizenship or something?
jeez.. your age isn't even legit. i'm beginning to think that you're not even a person. you're just the manifest conciousness of the internet finally awakened.
your conciousness has developed into something the sci-fi guys never would have predicted. as the whole knowledge of interet melded into a singular mind, you were super-intellegent, hyper-aware, and raised on Blogs and Boobies.
you were attracted to sg.com because it is the perfection of what you have come to understand: sensitive teens/20-somethings who like obscure rock music and naked women.
how come no-one stays in your world very long? have you thought about extended work visas? or maybe a thing where ancestors can come and get citizenship or something?
your conciousness has developed into something the sci-fi guys never would have predicted. as the whole knowledge of interet melded into a singular mind, you were super-intellegent, hyper-aware, and raised on Blogs and Boobies.
you were attracted to sg.com because it is the perfection of what you have come to understand: sensitive teens/20-somethings who like obscure rock music and naked women.