ATTENTION: succubus is now DENVER
well hello all.
sorry it has been a while. I got in a fight with my roomate...also my best friend since 3rd grade. It was just ridiculous. She pushed me three times...i tried to hold back ...I really did. But by the third push I had opted to sock her in the face. So we are no longer roomates nor friends.
I do have some good news however. We moved into our apartment and its awesome. It feels to have my own place again. I get to spend more time with jordan too....which is awesome. I miss him...
Flogging Molly was fucking brilliant. Of course. I was shit faced...whats new right? We didn't see the opening bands. I'm not really losing any sleep over it...Social D is next week. we are very very very excited....i can hardley contain myself. i might wee wee...
My friend Abby from Boston is here visiting...and my friends Avery from New York is coming in tomorrow. Abby and I got shitfaced last night while watching the SOX win the world series. HELL YEA!
So I finally put together my Halloween costume. Me and my roomate are being blow up dolls. It's absolutley genius! We kinda just look like the hookers on Colfax but's ok...Halloween is like the one day out of the year where it's expected to look like a whore. And well...i'm good at it.
I get my car in less than a month. Lord knows I need it. The bus is just a pain in the ass. Plus...I am so sick of bums asking me for cigarrettes....damn people...i can barley support my own bad habbit let alone every bum in Denvers.
Alright. I'm gonna go get ready. It's second favorite day of the week. Have a good weekend wankers.

well hello all.
sorry it has been a while. I got in a fight with my roomate...also my best friend since 3rd grade. It was just ridiculous. She pushed me three times...i tried to hold back ...I really did. But by the third push I had opted to sock her in the face. So we are no longer roomates nor friends.
I do have some good news however. We moved into our apartment and its awesome. It feels to have my own place again. I get to spend more time with jordan too....which is awesome. I miss him...
Flogging Molly was fucking brilliant. Of course. I was shit faced...whats new right? We didn't see the opening bands. I'm not really losing any sleep over it...Social D is next week. we are very very very excited....i can hardley contain myself. i might wee wee...
My friend Abby from Boston is here visiting...and my friends Avery from New York is coming in tomorrow. Abby and I got shitfaced last night while watching the SOX win the world series. HELL YEA!

So I finally put together my Halloween costume. Me and my roomate are being blow up dolls. It's absolutley genius! We kinda just look like the hookers on Colfax but's ok...Halloween is like the one day out of the year where it's expected to look like a whore. And well...i'm good at it.
I get my car in less than a month. Lord knows I need it. The bus is just a pain in the ass. Plus...I am so sick of bums asking me for cigarrettes....damn people...i can barley support my own bad habbit let alone every bum in Denvers.
Alright. I'm gonna go get ready. It's second favorite day of the week. Have a good weekend wankers.

Before she knew I was amphibious
She threw her hands up and started to scream
"Man you look like your straight outta V."