i felt curly today...
-Since neverdie41 tagged me:
write 15 random fact about yourself then
tag 5 others to do the same.
1. i am a natural blonde.
2. right now i'm listening to "mainland"- the real mckenzies
3. i'd pick animals over humans any day.
4. i bite my fingernails.
5. tomorrow i'm going to see Against Me! in SF.
6. I think that toy is the prettiest girl on this site.
7. my favorite archived girl is harliquin.
8. i disabled all friend requests.
9. i love vodka but it makes me fucking crazy.
10. my Halloween costume is phenomenal.
11. i smell like lolita lempika.
12. i get head almost everyday. love.
13. i'm craving indian.
14. i am excited at the thought of having children one day.
15. theres nothing more in the world that i want than a pig.
i tag...
ha. lets see how many of you fuckers
actually do it. now? i'm off to the pumpkin
patch with zasharah. i want a fairytale
pumpkin...the ones that look all cindarella
like. mmmmm. pretty...
--yeah your costume sounds fuckin sweet! you better put some pix up!!!!
--i wanted to go see against me but im already doing things on the nights they play..bummer...
--##12 wow!..lucky duck...im lucky if i get a girl to talk to me..trust me on this !!!
--this pic is muy bueno!