Damn... The past week has been chaotic. The Paris attack was just a terrible thing, absolutely terrible, and the same goes for the innocent suffering in Syria. I understand that the refugees need a place to be safe, but sending them here is a huge risk to take.
It's been a very busy weekend, especially when France began their airstrikes. Our order queues have been...
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I call it strange because it began with my family, crying as poor Zorro was being put down. Then ended with some of the most fun I had ever had at the glass cactus. I just can't tell if yesterday sucked or rocked. I'm relieved that Zorro is no longer suffering from his enlarged heart crushing his esophagus, who really know how long that has...
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Vacation is already nearly over, it went by so damned fast. I guess that's ok. Being home, cleaning, and working out got a little old. Need to socialize, although there is rarely any of that at work...
Tried my hand at Plenty of Fish, getting no responses to me messages. Beginning to think that each woman who writes "I'm not shallow" on their profile really...
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Cleaning house, dropped from 195lbs to 183lbs, and took the puppies out for a walk.
Well, after 2 years of fighting, I am finally getting a schedule that I could work with. My Friday and Saturdays are now available, therefore I can go out clubbing with friends.
The bad news is that the girl I have been chasing and falling for has recently begun to change. We no longer talk and she begun to kinda ignore me. Normally we laugh...
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I swear I get cabin fever during this Time of the year. I'm indoors everyday due to work and the cold weather, and it nearly drives me insane that i have no real reason to go out and do anything. Really hope those new hours come in soon... 3 years of working Friday and Saturday... Enough is enough.
Finished all my Christmas shopping, thank God,...
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Having a difficult week keeping my drive and motivation at work. I'm tired of spending each day working on the same crap; maps and boring branded animations. It's almost torture when I begin to think about what I'm doing and most likely what im going to do for the next week/month/year... So sick of it. My hat is off to those who have been around...
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Well, after about 2 months of holding back on my workout routine, I'm finally back into weight lifting… Thank, God! It feels SO good to get back into shape, and as a bonus from all this motivation, I have been practicing percussion again. YES! I miss drumming, and it feels so good to practice more than once a week. My drive was dwindling because my...
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It has been a rough few months. My job has become less than exciting and I feel like my value there has dropped dramatically. I hurt my back after increasing my workout routine a month ago, my monthly house payment has increased due to insurance and I am falling for a co-worker. Of course the last bit is supposed to be something great, but sadly...
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had a frig'n awesome ass day! Went out for 2 jogs, got an oil change on my car, did some weight lifting (resting till I do more), ready to fire up just dance 2014 on xbox one, setting up my cleaning supplies to clean the house, and just overall feel freakin good.
I have 3 weeks before I go on a 4 day break, then...
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