Every pay period since this pandemic has started, I've been supporting local business,I've been stretching my money to take of friends, family, community and strangers. I don't post what or whom I've helped for the fact I just want people to pay forward the kindness I show. I've been homeless I know what it's like, I've had dieing family and stepped up as a primary care giver. We can be the change in the world if we truly want to be. My estimation is that of the people I help eight out of ten are sincere and the rest con artists , which I can usually tell I just don't care. My friends on SG, my challenge especially those I've helped on here please Pay It Forward?
Life is so short and we can die at any moment. I'm on life line four now, still can't believe I'm here. Damaged but alive
I have many friends from the restaurant industry who have been hit hard by the pandemic. I try to support them by ordering food from them. My other friends who had a sewing atelier began to sew masks. I bought them.Maintaining a small business is very important. In my country, it is always very difficult for small businesses (I know this from my own experience), and during a pandemic and crisis, it got even worse.