the weekend is over but atleast it was good one
mmmm yegermeister is our friend up here on campus, and so are the garbage cans we vomitted in haha
im seriously considering a new pet! a box turtle of whom i will call, Melvin. ofcourse he will have to live under bed and be hidden so i dont get fined and he gets taken away from me, but i think i can pull that off
14 more motherfuckin days til V day!
that means time is running out for me to rind a bag of just red swedish fish and another bag of just banana flavored runts candies...

I'm not suprised the garbage cans are mate with copious amounts of Yegermeister.
Didn't go to the movie after all, couldn't face the crowds.
I'm well and still working on my 49Ford which looks like it's going to take forever to finnish, but I just herd that ther's this guy who is bringing in Stateside steel bodies of 32 Fords and I'm concidering throwing a rat hot rod together.
Yeah I do pinstripe, I'm a little slow but I've been buying old fenders and hoods, spraying them, then pinstriping them and selling them so it keeps me practicing.
New Ink that's cool, I don't really get meaningful tattoos, if I like it I get it, but if it works for you that's great go for it. Leave the man freind and come to me, I'll let you get whatever you want. just kiddingTattoos and relationships are hard unless you're both really into it, so sometimes you have to compromise a little. Man I need new ink, I think I'll get some today.
How have you been, how's campus?
What have you been up to?
Tell me everything. take care.
love ya
[Edited on Jan 31, 2005 7:03AM]
Spent all weekend smokin the bombest weed and drinkin "fat tire" on tap.....
But the weekend is over and Im