not only was the furniture in my dorm room moved around and half my posters taken off the wall, some motherfucker stole my muscle car calender too!
what is goin on here? It must be the extreme coldness that drives people nuts. tomara i start my color and design class, im excited, though i hear the instructor is very nice she doesn't speak very good english?hmm... the cost of textbooks is fucking outragious, i would definately order them online if my first assignments weren't so immediate...damnit,well life goes on i guess. Totally scoped out the Valentine's day isles at walmart today, hehe im so excited i looove valentines day. im not sure what to get my manfriend though, he doesnt like chocolate very much so maybe some swedish fish?edible undies? anyone else got ideas?

how bout:
........ A great blowjob that u enjoy giving without having us ask......
......... Buy a pack of condoms u know are too big, and then tell him u think the condoms he uses are too small and r holding back his potential
......... Maxim magazine and beer.......
one of these three things are perfect depending on the type of guy u date..... i dont care what anyone says, cause their fuckin wrong!!!!!!!
sure valentines day is about being romantic and sensual...... but its really about apppreciating the "little man or woman" in all of us...... so stroke their ego!
this should bring some closure to the issue
[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 9:31AM]