wow college is really the place to be to make new friends, im having a hella good time.
tonight feels like a night for some booty in the sack, hell, shouldn't every night feel like that? So I've been reading lately...erotica... never really got into before, though a lot of the short stories i find more humorous and arousing but I must admit there are lotsa good tips, ideas, etc.

Tantric Yoga by Gavin frost
The complete kama sutra by alain danielou
and if u get a long term boyfriend make SURE u get him
The multi-orgasmic couple By mantak chia
yeah if u ever come to cali u can borrow them...
it will make u feel like u really know nothing about sex.......
BUT i stress to not be to premiscious i have a number of friends here who contracted nasty bugs or viruses from other people........... but besides that hump away...
[Edited on Oct 06, 2004 5:01PM]