her-ray for hot springs! last night my roommate, her boyfriend and a buncha us kids from the same dorm took a cruise up to the hotsprings, but whats a road trip without lotsa booze? unfotunately there were lotsa tourist so i had to chug my beer in the bathroom stall real animal style! Leave it to taco bell to satisfy that drunken hunger

Human Sexuality
Abnormal psyche
Bronze sculpture
Literature and film (watch movies and discuss them)
So u say u need ways to get beer into the dorm..... well here are 5 ways to sneak booze into the dorm.........
1. Get a brand-name box (tv, vcr, computer), or people buy shit, take one of their boxes. Put beer in box tape back up, so it looks unopened..... if their real ass holes put those styrofoam penuts in there or tell them its a present for your dorm buddy.
2. If you dorm has windows...... lower a rope out the window.... have a person on ground level put beer in backpack or bag.... hoist beer into your room/floor.....
3. Buy a 24 pack cube of soda empty bottom layer of cans out..... refill with beer cans, keeping soda on top....... Note: open the side carefully so it looks like it hasnt been opened then superglue closed. if you have to open it. tear open from the top. that way all top cans are soda and the middle cardboard divider is a bitch to remove.... dONT LET THEM OPEN IT FROM THE SIDE....
4. VODKA TRICK: Buy a 24 pack of water in a box..... remove 3-4 empty water pour in vodka. put drop of superglue to refix the safty ring to the cap. put the bottles in the end u do not plan to open by emptying all bottles out. When the go to inspect the 3-4 with vodka cannot be distinguished.... pull out 1-2 water bottles and open them for the asshole who checks bags.
5. Airplane shots (50ml) fit nice in 32oz. 7-11 or taco bell soda containers. fill up with coke put ice on top. they can inspect it all they want....
oh yes and one more thing get half a dozen 32oz soda containers from 7-11. when u have to drink beer in public. pour beer into container... put a lid on it suck though the strw no one is the wiser..... this one works badass.....
anyway good luck.....
anyway if u liked the dont masturbate it kills kitties pic u might like this one.
[Edited on Sep 26, 2004 10:09AM]
ive taken like 50 classes (not passed 14
ive just gone to a JC...... had alot of fun for 2 yrs and really accomplished nothing in regards to a degree..... but i can take one of about any kind of class and get a AA...... i think next semester ill get a couple of AA's......
now i have a good job (18/hr free medical) and i just go to school (but no partying
by the way do they have good weed in alaska?