Aye Caramba! class starts tomara...
This should be amusing, my teachers name sounds alot like "mullet." I can't wait to see the new movie with Angelina Jolie mmmm
i havent spent much time in my own room, I found the boys level alot more fun
This should be amusing, my teachers name sounds alot like "mullet." I can't wait to see the new movie with Angelina Jolie mmmm

i lived in a co-ed dorm my first year only my roomies ad i noticed that every time we told people which building we lived in they all said "oh i thought that was a guys dorm." after about a semester we all mentioned this to eachother and realized it was in fact a boys dorm. this was the first year it was going co-ed and we were the first and only girls to live there. ohhhhhh fuck yeah....
we were popular.
and by popular, i mean having lots of sex