Goodbye SG!
Cancelled my account. Fucking thing doesn't end till december though. Oh well, three more months of hot we bitces!!! WOOHOO!!!
enjoy the last three months of pretty ladies man

poop... that is all...
I'm back.
I poop u.
Well screw it... it's become abundantly clear that nobody reads this anymore, so I'm done.
haha whatever ya say man hehe


Alright, so I just got home from playing another show at The Phoenix. We rocked it tonight... well more than last time. The last show there was absolute crap. We did terrible. But tonight was a different story. We managed to train wreck one song, but it was a new one that we're still not used to. Other than that, it was a fun show....
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You're all winter-weather/heist ready.
Current thoughts on life: "mmmmmmmmm.... oatmeal..........."
Alright, so here it goes...
I haven't had a real entry in a long time. So I thought I'd see if any of you were paying attention. I've just simply lost interest in SG for some reason. I'll blame it on being extremely busy and then getting extremely lazy. I'm back now. I'm also back in class now. Although I've decided to abandon my other...
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I haven't had a real entry in a long time. So I thought I'd see if any of you were paying attention. I've just simply lost interest in SG for some reason. I'll blame it on being extremely busy and then getting extremely lazy. I'm back now. I'm also back in class now. Although I've decided to abandon my other...
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Awwww. Poor drummer.
But I am having a rather snazzy day of napping!
But I am having a rather snazzy day of napping!
like so fucking totally wow

like so fucking totally wow

Is that chick gonna be there?