→ first thing's first: hot ladies.

these are a couple of the shots from a recent shoot with my lovely lady Amber-Marie, fellow model and burlesque starlet.

→ thanks for all the congrats on my.... *ahem* triumphant squirting session.

→ school starts tomorrow. BOO, HISS. because last semester was such a beast and a half (another reason i hadn't been around), i'm only letting myself take 5 classes this semester instead of 8 (18 credits last time, in case you were curious.... AH!) hopefully this semester will be less crazy.... but work with AKA55 is booming, so i'm sure i'll be plenty busy and everything will balance out. a busy me is a happy me.
→ "winter" (and i use the term loosely) is making me so fucking THIRSTY. i think it has to do with the dry air from our ridiculous forced-air heat, and the fact that i can *feel* the moisture being sucked out of my skin. like so:
....water = way outside parchy skin. blegh!
→ yesterday i went out to dinner with my cousin, and i mentioned that my favorite breed of dogs are huskies (but that i'd never get one while i live in the city because they're too big). she told me about a breed i'd never heard of--alaskan klee kai--which is basically a mini breed of husky. i absolutely heart them.... some day, some day perhaps i'll adopt one. look at their cuteness!
→ ....and while we're on the subject of amazingly awesome animals.... i present to you my new adoration of polydactyl kittehs!
so. freaking. CUTE. there's lots of interesting literature about them as well, and how they
relate to Ernest Hemmingway. it's so sad that they often have lots of health problems, though.
→ okay, since you've made it THIS far, here is an almost-my-boobs shot:
...and i'm thinking about taking my piercings out. the dentist said my gums are starting to recede, and lately i find myself just wanting to rip them out of my face. often....
(and here's a more gory picture, behind the spoiler....)
whew. that's about all the news from here... that entry took me a little over two hours to put together, in case anyone was wondering.
♥ jess/calamity.
p.s. if you need a laugh, check this guy out.
Before I go, though, I have to stop and say that those mini-huskies are incredible. They have the cuteness of 10 puppies.
In a basket.
Wearing bowties.
(And mmm, yes, you're rad