Why am I so anti-bar/going out lately.. Guess I did turn into a house wife.. Is it bad that I'd rather cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie or tv then go out? Yeah I'm lame
I haven't been able to log in.. I had forgotten my password and was unable to get my requested password because SG is unable to send emails to any Comcast.net accounts. However I was able to get ahold of someone through myspace whom assisted me.. so yay I am back.. missed a handful of you.
Like everything else lately my birthday sucked.. I have an awful sinus infection that won't go away.. and a nice little fever of 102. I wish I would get better already the weather is finally nice out.. I'd really love to enjoy it..
I've applied at so many places seriously faxed and emailed my resume to well over 60 places.. and have gotten two call backs.. One turned out to be a creepy guy looking for a personal assistant in a NON professional way.. Yeah I'll pass.. and the other I've been playing phone tag with all weekend long! Mortgages don't pay themselves.. I... Read More
So it seems I have taken the wonderful thing like our furnace for granted. So last night we got home and sat around and realized the house felt rather cold.. after a few attempts of messing around with the thermostat.. and nothing occuring we called someone out for maintance.. With just our luck they don't have the part to fix the furnace, that it would... Read More
I know you want to give up on life, but you have to keep pushing forward. Stick to whatever goals you have set in your life and i promise it will all work out if you keep up with it. I have been there. It sucks big time! You will make it though and your life will be Happy.
You certainly are quite the entrepreneur. It's always good to see people go through with plans like this. I see my friends talk about doing clothing lines and stuff all of the time but little follow through. It's nice to see someone who does and I wish you the best of luck with it.
Well congrats either way! Make sure to post something when the designs come out. I probably won't be able to remember that long. (grad school has killed my memory)
2:51 am.. he will be home in only a few hours..
I haven't seen him in about a month.. I wish that made me happy but right now it doesn't..
This entire year has already been a bit hard to swallow..
I guess I have to learn to take the lemons life gives you and make lemonade. so they say..
I just want to be... Read More
I know how. The year bearly started and I'm on the verge of sanity. Hopefully, something will hold my mind together. I just don't know what that is yet.
To put a big damper on things.. I was supposed to go shoot today with the wonderful Todd Taylor. But the awful snow would make it impossible for me to ever get there in decent time.. I started driving and to get from one exit on the express way to another what normally takes 5 mins took 30 today.. so for me to make it... Read More