ts 6:26 am on Saturday morning, usually a little to early for my liking. But i've been thinking about english muffins for about an hour, so i finally climbed my lazy ass out of my bed and made one. The point on my story is: Toasted English Muffins rock it.

Ever listen to the Beatles "I am the Walrus" but sing the line like...
"Sitting in an English Muffin, waiting for the sun..."
I always sing it that way. It's just more fun for me.
edit: grr typo
[Edited on Nov 06, 2004 6:56PM]
I'm a huge fan, but , wow, it takes a lot more than nooks and crannies to get my ass up at 5AM. You definately win the "Ms. English Muffin Fiend 2004" title, hands down.