This is an odd claim to fame, but I apparently just impressed the exterminators with my knowledge of various professional-grade bug killing products I ordered over the internet and used to fill suspicious cracks and crevices.
They rooted out the corner of my kitchen cabinets that was home to some little cockroaches (complain as you will, New York cockroaches are all pretty small to Southerners) and sprayed the hell out of it, causing several cockroaches to evacuate. One, they pointed out, was a male. Another was a pregnant female. See that egg case? It holds 32 baby cockroaches, said the exterminator. The other exterminator said it was 30, and they had an argument over the matter.
They rooted out the corner of my kitchen cabinets that was home to some little cockroaches (complain as you will, New York cockroaches are all pretty small to Southerners) and sprayed the hell out of it, causing several cockroaches to evacuate. One, they pointed out, was a male. Another was a pregnant female. See that egg case? It holds 32 baby cockroaches, said the exterminator. The other exterminator said it was 30, and they had an argument over the matter.