From a show I did in Memphis, TN (contains the word "blowjob," in case you're inexplicably listening to comedy clips off SG at work or with your parents):
And here are my upcoming tour dates! I'm traveling with ex-SG Molly, for those of you who are fans.
Washington, D.C.:
Monday, February 26th
Jennifer Dziura's Comedy Rock Star Sex Party
Jennifer Dziura hosts a raucous late-night of comedy, grooves by Monstertail and Death by Sexy, and burlesque dance numbers from Molly Crabapple.
The Red and the Black
1212 H St NE, Washington, DC
$8, free red beans & rice with 2-drink minimum

Wednesday, February 28th
What Philosophy Majors Do After College
In her hour-plus solo show, Jen starts off with "The History of Western Philosophy in Fifteen Minutes," and then expounds comedically on what one does with a degree in philosophy. In her case, stints as an art school model, a professional contraceptive tester, a failed dot-com entrepreneur, and finally, a comedian telling grammar jokes in Wonder Woman underpants.
D.C. Arts Center
2438 18th St. NW

Raleigh-Durham, N.C.:
Saturday March, 3rd
Stand-Up Workshop With Jen Dziura
$15. RSVP to

Sunday, March 4th
A Triple Threat of Subversive Women Who Will Eat Your Brain
A cult classic about strippers who kill men with their bare hands, a burlesque dancer turned authoress, and a comedian in Wonder Woman underpants, all in one day.
305 South Anti-Mall
305 South Dillard St., Durham
2pm - movie
4pm - Molly's book signing and mini Dr. Sketchy's
7pm - Jen's comedy show
All free.

Norfolk, VA:
Monday, March 5th
Jen appears at The Boot
123 W. 21st St., Norfolk
8:00 pm

Baltimore, MD:
Tuesday, March 6th:
Stand-Up Workshop With Jen Dziura
$20. RSVP to

Wednesday, March 7th
What Philosophy Majors Do After College
In her hour-plus solo show, Jen starts off with "The History of Western Philosophy in Fifteen Minutes," and then expounds comedically on what one does with a degree in philosophy. In her case, stints as an art school model, a professional contraceptive tester, a failed dot-com entrepreneur, and finally, a comedian telling grammar jokes in Wonder Woman underpants.
Sponsored by Original Sin Cider -- free with admission, 'til it runs out!
Hamilton Arts Collective
5440 Harford Road (third floor)
Baltimore, MD
Doors at 7:40pm, show at 8:00pm

New York, NY:
Monday, March 12th
Jen's Return to New York Show!
Pete's Candy Store
709 Lorimer St., Williamsburg (L train to Lorimer)
As always: five comics, free candy, no cover.

And here are my upcoming tour dates! I'm traveling with ex-SG Molly, for those of you who are fans.
Washington, D.C.:
Monday, February 26th
Jennifer Dziura's Comedy Rock Star Sex Party
Jennifer Dziura hosts a raucous late-night of comedy, grooves by Monstertail and Death by Sexy, and burlesque dance numbers from Molly Crabapple.
The Red and the Black
1212 H St NE, Washington, DC
$8, free red beans & rice with 2-drink minimum

Wednesday, February 28th
What Philosophy Majors Do After College
In her hour-plus solo show, Jen starts off with "The History of Western Philosophy in Fifteen Minutes," and then expounds comedically on what one does with a degree in philosophy. In her case, stints as an art school model, a professional contraceptive tester, a failed dot-com entrepreneur, and finally, a comedian telling grammar jokes in Wonder Woman underpants.
D.C. Arts Center
2438 18th St. NW

Raleigh-Durham, N.C.:
Saturday March, 3rd
Stand-Up Workshop With Jen Dziura
$15. RSVP to

Sunday, March 4th
A Triple Threat of Subversive Women Who Will Eat Your Brain
A cult classic about strippers who kill men with their bare hands, a burlesque dancer turned authoress, and a comedian in Wonder Woman underpants, all in one day.
305 South Anti-Mall
305 South Dillard St., Durham
2pm - movie
4pm - Molly's book signing and mini Dr. Sketchy's
7pm - Jen's comedy show
All free.

Norfolk, VA:
Monday, March 5th
Jen appears at The Boot
123 W. 21st St., Norfolk
8:00 pm

Baltimore, MD:
Tuesday, March 6th:
Stand-Up Workshop With Jen Dziura
$20. RSVP to

Wednesday, March 7th
What Philosophy Majors Do After College
In her hour-plus solo show, Jen starts off with "The History of Western Philosophy in Fifteen Minutes," and then expounds comedically on what one does with a degree in philosophy. In her case, stints as an art school model, a professional contraceptive tester, a failed dot-com entrepreneur, and finally, a comedian telling grammar jokes in Wonder Woman underpants.
Sponsored by Original Sin Cider -- free with admission, 'til it runs out!
Hamilton Arts Collective
5440 Harford Road (third floor)
Baltimore, MD
Doors at 7:40pm, show at 8:00pm

New York, NY:
Monday, March 12th
Jen's Return to New York Show!
Pete's Candy Store
709 Lorimer St., Williamsburg (L train to Lorimer)
As always: five comics, free candy, no cover.

Hey, this is a bit belated, but I wanted to say I really enjoyed your show at the Red and Black in DC. Hope the tour is going well.

How does your grammar obsession help you with comedy?