Monday, November 21st
The After-School Comedy Special
Pete's Candy Store (L train to Lorimer, 709 Lorimer St)
Featuring Emily Epstein, Becky Yamamoto, Elaine Williams, Nicholas Cobb, and Billy Wood, all of whom smell fantastic.
The After-School Comedy Special (formerly "Comedy Show & Tell") mixes performances by top young comedians with nostalgic diversions including show & tell, free candy, and Mad Libs! Bring an item for show & tell, or just come watch. Hosted by comedienne All free.

Monday, November 21st
The After-School Comedy Special
Pete's Candy Store (L train to Lorimer, 709 Lorimer St)
Featuring Emily Epstein, Becky Yamamoto, Elaine Williams, Nicholas Cobb, and Billy Wood, all of whom smell fantastic.
The After-School Comedy Special (formerly "Comedy Show & Tell") mixes performances by top young comedians with nostalgic diversions including show & tell, free candy, and Mad Libs! Bring an item for show & tell, or just come watch. Hosted by comedienne All free.

wish I could go - have the memorial service tomorrow so no dice - which begs the question - what are you doing thursday... you are welcome of course at our house... !
i wish i could go too... sounds interesting... nice to meet you , sweetie, thanks for having me...xoxox let me know of future meetings of SGNY... i would love to meet up with some members...