Asian coleslaw....still figuring that one out.
Working my way through a pineapple cherry dump cake. Lovely how the best parts of your childhood can fit onto a spoon. My time machine fits nicely in the dishwasher, thankyouverymuch.
New sewing table arrived today, so I'm stoked to check that out. Tomorrow I have a new dinnertime challenge to tackle.
Steady flow of new bodies filing into work. Keeping me busy just short of frazzled. Now I just need to find a way to smuggle my sewing machine into the office. Crochet hooks & knitting needles are probably more sneakable.
EDIT - Apparently:
my doberman has a taste for BAT.
BATs have a taste for our house
And whatever whacked ass tennis net thingie I found at the thriftstore finally got tested tonight. AFTER a year of calling it the BATMASTER5000 [best 2.98 i ever spent]
Working my way through a pineapple cherry dump cake. Lovely how the best parts of your childhood can fit onto a spoon. My time machine fits nicely in the dishwasher, thankyouverymuch.
New sewing table arrived today, so I'm stoked to check that out. Tomorrow I have a new dinnertime challenge to tackle.
Steady flow of new bodies filing into work. Keeping me busy just short of frazzled. Now I just need to find a way to smuggle my sewing machine into the office. Crochet hooks & knitting needles are probably more sneakable.

EDIT - Apparently:
my doberman has a taste for BAT.
BATs have a taste for our house
And whatever whacked ass tennis net thingie I found at the thriftstore finally got tested tonight. AFTER a year of calling it the BATMASTER5000 [best 2.98 i ever spent]
I was impressed that Odette ate an entire tomato (it was foolish enough to fall within reach) but your puppy totally ownz mine at eating weird things.