So this is the blog that I am gonna be a whiney girl whining about things guys could probably care less about but I need to because it angered me today! Ok so I had gotten like 70 bucks in kohls cash when I had bought Cory his new clothes a week ago, so today I went shopping! I love kohls usually because they have cute clothes and everything is reasonably priced and yadda yadda. So I am browsing the junior dept when I come upon several pairs of jeans/skirts/shorts for summer that I really liked. I grabbed a size three in all of them because recently my hips have gotten wider (I'm getting my "woman" body) and I am having troubles fitting into some of the ones that I have already so I'd figure one more size would be sufficient. Oh no of course not! I tried on all of them and NONE of them fit me right. But this isn't what bothered me...what had bothered me is that they were all the same brand and they all fit me in different ways. There were pairs that were too tight in the hips but too loose every where else, there were pairs that were just way too tight all around, there were pairs that were so big that I could roll the waist down and it was still too big. What the flying fuck is going on? This simply just shouldn't be like this. I was so frustrated that I just left them all in the dressing room (sorry kohls employees) and just grabbed a few shirts and left. I think I'm just going to wear sweat pants because I can't find jeans that fit I'm the in between size of 1 and 3...where can I find a size 2 pants!! Hmmph. Anyhoo so after my totally shit night of work last night I needed a day off, today was meh. This morning I was trying to get Charlie(my pup) to calm down and go to sleep so I could go to bed and he fucking head butted me in the lip! I was bleeding and my lip was swollen for like an hour and a half. I can't get mad because he was just squirming because he wasn't ready to sleep he just wanted to play...
so that sucked but luckily there's no bruise or cut that you can see. On a happier note you all will be please to see that my friend robby's set that he shot for godiva was accepted. So go look at her sexy ass! It's nice to see a SG from WI finally!! I've had a few people who had asked if I was ever going to try out being an SG and I've really thought about it and I would love to! I think I'd have to talk to my bf about it but once I have things more situated in my life and I can afford to have robby shoot me I would be down for it for sure! I was thinking about doing a shoot by myself with my cam and submitting it to the hopefuls section. What do you guys think?
Ohh today Cory and I went to the grocery store and I drove home (our car is stick) without killing it. I know what you're thinking "Why would you have a car you can't drive?" Well I'm weird, I hate hate hate driving. So it's not a big deal if I can't drive it. But Cory wants me to learn how to drive stick just so if I need to drive I can. Also, we plan to buy another car when we can afford it so I can just drive myself to and from work and then his car will be for when we're together. But back to my excitement: I drove it without killing it!!! *insert white girl cabbage patch dance of victory here* That is all for now, I just ate my special
rice krispy treats so I'm gonna be in la la land for a few hours. Leave me some love kiddies

Ohh today Cory and I went to the grocery store and I drove home (our car is stick) without killing it. I know what you're thinking "Why would you have a car you can't drive?" Well I'm weird, I hate hate hate driving. So it's not a big deal if I can't drive it. But Cory wants me to learn how to drive stick just so if I need to drive I can. Also, we plan to buy another car when we can afford it so I can just drive myself to and from work and then his car will be for when we're together. But back to my excitement: I drove it without killing it!!! *insert white girl cabbage patch dance of victory here* That is all for now, I just ate my special

Sorry about your lip/ I hope it is better soon.