Well it has been a long while since I posted. Life has been crazy.
But it a good way.
Tia is living with us now, our 18 year old, though she is heading off to Norway for 3 months soon.
Our 20 year old Tyler moved back in and it is nice to have him back. We missed him.
Michael, our 4year old with autism,...
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But it a good way.
Tia is living with us now, our 18 year old, though she is heading off to Norway for 3 months soon.
Our 20 year old Tyler moved back in and it is nice to have him back. We missed him.
Michael, our 4year old with autism,...
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Yay! I love when the system works in your favor! So awesome that all the kids are around.
great to hear
all the best 

I had to hold my wife as she went to sleep crying tonight. Didn't say much just held her. I know it was a pretty rough day.
Nothing bad happen it was just a very emotional last couple of days for Michael and I think the constant tug of war just trying to keep the little one balance just took its toll.
I got frustrated...
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Nothing bad happen it was just a very emotional last couple of days for Michael and I think the constant tug of war just trying to keep the little one balance just took its toll.
I got frustrated...
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That's really hard
I have no idea what that must be like and I really admire parents who can cope with that, I think I would be awful at it. Michael is lucky. <3

you said your next blog will be sunnier, but it hasn't happened...hoping things are brighter in life and you're just too busy to get on here and update us 

Do you think squirrels play with their nuts?
Are is there a more healthy respect for the traditions of nut gathering?
I bet to the older squirrels nut playing if frowned upon and the younger squirrels see it as a way to rebel in nut playing fun.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. And please feel free to do your own research.
Are is there a more healthy respect for the traditions of nut gathering?
I bet to the older squirrels nut playing if frowned upon and the younger squirrels see it as a way to rebel in nut playing fun.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. And please feel free to do your own research.

okay, that's just funny : )
I weeded out the raspberry patch to find an assortment of squirrel nuts. From my experience, they are always losing their nuts.

Just a quick nerdy geek-tastic blog today.
After 23 years I have just bought my 10,000th comic book.
Yes, I know this will make me sexy and irresistible to the ladies ......
What? It won't?
But, 10,000 ...
Yes I know it boarders on OCD to even know I have that many, but ....
Yes, but if I knew a girl with 10,000 comics...
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Just a quick nerdy geek-tastic blog today.

After 23 years I have just bought my 10,000th comic book.

Yes, I know this will make me sexy and irresistible to the ladies ......
What? It won't?
But, 10,000 ...
Yes I know it boarders on OCD to even know I have that many, but ....
Yes, but if I knew a girl with 10,000 comics...
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Wow, that is pretty cool dude
Impressive!!! You can officially say you like comics!

Depends on what comics you have. If you have all the Amazing Spiderman comics, then that is FUCKING HOT. if not, it just makes you sort of cute 

Hi All,
I took Michael to the doctor for a follow up and he is doing much better. He also handled the whole appointment thing like a champ. I was very proud of him. He gets really nervous, so I never know how it will go, but today was a dream. Yep, proud Papa!
After the doctor's we went to his School. Micheal is enrolled...
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I took Michael to the doctor for a follow up and he is doing much better. He also handled the whole appointment thing like a champ. I was very proud of him. He gets really nervous, so I never know how it will go, but today was a dream. Yep, proud Papa!

After the doctor's we went to his School. Micheal is enrolled...
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Your blog makes me smile.
What a great kid!
What a great kid!
Hello All,
I've been feeling like a really bad father lately. Michael got a fever and an ear infection last week. He has issues with medicine. Taking things I mean. Between the sensory part of his autism and the gag reflex of his Gerd you just can't win. If you try too hard to get him to take it, all of it including his lunch...
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I've been feeling like a really bad father lately. Michael got a fever and an ear infection last week. He has issues with medicine. Taking things I mean. Between the sensory part of his autism and the gag reflex of his Gerd you just can't win. If you try too hard to get him to take it, all of it including his lunch...
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hugs to you both. it's all out of love, and it sounds like you're doing the best you can to make him as comfortable as possible. i think you're doing a great job. 

good luck, being a parent is hard work!
And follow it with, "I'm jellobay and I approve this message."
I'm right there with you. She's top notch.
I'm right there with you. She's top notch.
Sleaze tends to win out angelic, unfortunately.
So my blog today is about all those lovely woman that keep us gathered here on this site.
I know we know they are all amazingly beautiful and they can turn a man's head so fast it would snap like a twig, but there is something else about them.
They are some of the most courageous people I know. It takes courage for any artist...
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I know we know they are all amazingly beautiful and they can turn a man's head so fast it would snap like a twig, but there is something else about them.
They are some of the most courageous people I know. It takes courage for any artist...
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aw, thats fuckin darling. xo
awww such sweet words.
Today was a good day. Michael has a little bit of a cold and I think he is trying to give it to me, but other than that all is well.
The best part of today was I didn't go anywhere. Didn't have to drive, didn't even have to leave the house. Those days are few and far between.
My wife went out shopping with...
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The best part of today was I didn't go anywhere. Didn't have to drive, didn't even have to leave the house. Those days are few and far between.
My wife went out shopping with...
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Great story!
I have a little blind girl I teach at the studio. She was born blind and her movements fascinate me. They are uniquely her own.
I have a little blind girl I teach at the studio. She was born blind and her movements fascinate me. They are uniquely her own.
aww your too sweet com'ere so I can pinch your cheek

So before I start this blog let me take a second to tell you how super awesome and creative Bette Jean is.
She did this stop motions short "inspired" by my last blog and it totally rocked. It gave me a thousand smiles. I urge everyone to stop right now and look up her blog and then tell her that she is great, creative, angelic...
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Aww, poor Panda. Well, that was nice surprise. I got Luckie tattooed on my back...but with 2 more cats, 4 ferrets & alizard, i'll end up looking like a walking graveyard, so err, I'll not carry on with the rememberance tattoos! I might do the paw print thing
Right, I'm off to bake some bread! have a good night! (well, it's 8pm here anyway!)

Right, I'm off to bake some bread! have a good night! (well, it's 8pm here anyway!)
if your wife is olivia wilde, i need to pay a visit to you two ... like right now haha 

So as you may know I have a 4 year old named Michael with autism that is my reason for so much in this world and many of my smiles.
Any way with him you have to really have a routine on things. I guess you really need that with all kids, but for sure with him. Every night when I put him to bed...
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Any way with him you have to really have a routine on things. I guess you really need that with all kids, but for sure with him. Every night when I put him to bed...
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Goodness me you are so CREATIVE!!! I am fascinated with Autistic children... I think they are so amazing.. so beautiful.. my Auntie used to work with autistic kids and she pointed out that oddly enough, they are generally really outwardly gorgeous looking kids.. she called them the "angel children".
The way their minds work intruiges me.. they are so intelligent.. but the way they think must make them feel so isolated.. anyway.. enough of my babblings.. what a lovely blog i really thought it was so cool and heartwarming
The way their minds work intruiges me.. they are so intelligent.. but the way they think must make them feel so isolated.. anyway.. enough of my babblings.. what a lovely blog i really thought it was so cool and heartwarming