So I just got back into town after a very full weekend (one that didn't even include McMinnville's Alien Day parade). Couple of Barbecues, karaoke, 4 birthdays, Librarian Prom, Trader Joe's stockpiling, getting my numbers imported to my new phone, getting up early to the sounds of a friend's barfing girlfriend, and a rousing game of badminton.
the thing about vomiting is that generally speaking, it's not done purposely. so perhaps you should forgive your buddy's girlfriend her transgresses, particularly if it means you have a place to crash when i'm in town, which seems like a good thing to have. mostly for the selfish reason of wanting to meet you.
it seems to me that it's likely there are pictures of said librarian prom, and if that's the case, i would like to see them. very much so, for that matter. i have a thing for karaoke. i started going pretty close after i moved to boise, and fell in love with it quite quickly. my favorite dive bar does it twice a week. in fact, it's quite likely that's where i'll be tonight. there are horrible and embarrassing youtube videos floating about of me doing karaoke.
alien day parade sounds splendid. i have a weakness for kitschy little things like that. i think i'd love it.