Oh blog, how I've neglected you. Prepare to be ignored for at least three more days as I head of to Portland to attend the comedy festival, miss the comic book festival, and sleep on a couch.
I just realized I don't have to be at work until 10am tomorrow, but now it's too late to go out or, say, have friends within an hour's drive.
Not a permanent move.... just trying to get to LA for a short time so I can work on some projects down there.
Hey man, you know I had no idea your account was still active! Happy Holidays and what not!

Off to Portland for 4th festivities. This will be like my regular Portland visits, other than more people have free time and doing things. Still, it wouldn't be a typical Portland visit if I didn't do at least 7 of the following:
-pay too much for a veggie breakfast.
-return something I borrowed much later than I should have
-utilized someones curbside glass recycling because...
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-pay too much for a veggie breakfast.
-return something I borrowed much later than I should have
-utilized someones curbside glass recycling because...
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I vote you make a return visit to portland two weeks from now, like the 22nd of july when yours truly is visiting.
when are you going to give back that thing you borrowed?
damn it is hot out!
the hipsters in Portland are ruining everything that WAS cool!
I insist we hang out again, what's your number?
why are you always over/underdressed anyway?
I wish that portland was as cool as it used to be.
at least there are plenty of dive bars with an assortment of cheap beer.
wanna' come over to my house and play rock band later?
damn it is hot out!
the hipsters in Portland are ruining everything that WAS cool!
I insist we hang out again, what's your number?
why are you always over/underdressed anyway?
I wish that portland was as cool as it used to be.
at least there are plenty of dive bars with an assortment of cheap beer.
wanna' come over to my house and play rock band later?
I realize this is about the only place they won't be able to read this, but I'd really like my extended family members to stop committing suicide.
It's after midnight. I can officially say my birthday sucked.
If you had been Ed Mcmahon arch nemesis it'd probaby have been a pretty decent birthday.
So don't feel bad. MJ upstaged you, then Farrah. She didn't even get a whole day of sympathy! Cold. That man was bionic.
G1 phone, why must you be such a douche bag? Your constant updating, which suggest I reformat my SD card for half a day, making my pictures disappear for a day, and prevent me from contacting people have not only been an inconvenience, but is like the boy who cried wolf. Right now I can't tell if my camping and beach pictures disappeared permanently or...
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Booked a ticket to PDX a minute ago.You in town the 25th of JUly?
If I were a cameraman, I couldn't work for Vince the Sham Wow guy. Too pushy and untrusting.
(i'm totally sleeping. can't you tell?)
(i'm totally sleeping. can't you tell?)
Is he the slap chop guy as well
My Famous Mysterious Actor Show monologue jokes for the Bridgetown Comedy Festival
You might have seen these on Facebook. However, there are a few here who have not, so shut yer trap. Granted, these are a little dated, what with the festival taking place at the end of April. Also, keep in mind these are meant to be said aloud by the Famous Mysterious Actor...
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You might have seen these on Facebook. However, there are a few here who have not, so shut yer trap. Granted, these are a little dated, what with the festival taking place at the end of April. Also, keep in mind these are meant to be said aloud by the Famous Mysterious Actor...
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on to actual response: do you know a place in portland? i'd be willing to travel. and learn how to sew. the second is probably a match bigger commitment than the first. if you've got family in boise, you've got family closer than i do. most of mine's back east. where did you grow up?
i love that it, more or less, turns into a big festival for science fiction geekdom, which is certainly in the arena of kitsch that i appreciate. i did grow up going to star trek conventions, after all. which, you still need to see, by the way. and i should probably see again.
it's interesting to me how the world of technology makes our patience for things so much less. instant pictures are a good example. i think it might be one of the reasons why i like to wonder around with my holga and some black and white 120 film. i like the surprise of it, the way that the anticipation builds to make it feel even better when you've actually seen the result. sometimes when i messed up an entire roll of film, i like the surprise less. but usually.
i think perhaps now i stop with the writing and get to the sleeping. i stumbled onto a friend's birthday at the bar, and am a little tipsier than my usual self. although i suppose tipsy blog commenting is less annoying than tipsy drunk texts or phone calls, which you are both currently safe from.
i love that it, more or less, turns into a big festival for science fiction geekdom, which is certainly in the arena of kitsch that i appreciate. i did grow up going to star trek conventions, after all. which, you still need to see, by the way. and i should probably see again.
it's interesting to me how the world of technology makes our patience for things so much less. instant pictures are a good example. i think it might be one of the reasons why i like to wonder around with my holga and some black and white 120 film. i like the surprise of it, the way that the anticipation builds to make it feel even better when you've actually seen the result. sometimes when i messed up an entire roll of film, i like the surprise less. but usually.
i think perhaps now i stop with the writing and get to the sleeping. i stumbled onto a friend's birthday at the bar, and am a little tipsier than my usual self. although i suppose tipsy blog commenting is less annoying than tipsy drunk texts or phone calls, which you are both currently safe from.
hmmmm. i'll have to put some thought into dinosaur murder mystery dinner party. i think that a pretty large amount of work would probably have to go into actually creating all of the characters for it and setting up different scenarios, and while i'm pretty damn sure that i could do it, i'm also pretty damn sure i should be writing my thesis over the summer instead of that. although perhaps i could get them to overlap... no, probably not. and i'll probably have to start sewing now and see what happens. the only person i know with those kind of sewing skills is my ex boyfriend, and i doubt i could get him to commit to making me a dino costume. le sigh. the two person brontosaurus costume would be quite excellent, though. meh. maybe i'll do something for halloween this year after all.
i grew up in western pennsylvania, bummed around various parts of pa for most of my life, then moved to massachusetts for a year before i moved to boise. it's kindof a different world out here in a lot of ways. i'm pretty sure i like it, though. well, not boise per se, but the more western part of the country. i guess it's just a matter of seeing where i end up for master's degree number 2. one school i'll likely apply to is way back easy, one's in portland, and one's in arizona. i need to work on that list a little bit, though.
heh. i do appreciate my digital camera. it was quite nice to have it for spain, driving across the country (although those pictures are floating on someone else's flickr instead of mine), and for being in thailand. i didn't pick up my holga until i was in thailand, but now i pretty much love her. i love her enough to be playing with visual poetry, which is pretty fun. and which i will also likely really fail at. but i've got to fail a lot to figure it out before i can be decent at it. it'll all work out in the end, i imagine.
while i certainly consider my mom and my sisters to be nerdy in their own way, i imagine i've probably got some of the most stereotypical geekdom. i'm the one with the comic book tattoos who reads a lot of poetry, i'm the one who loves to sit around playing bored games or reading books and used to play magic: the gathering, etc etc. i'm more than okay with it, really.
yeah, there's this one bar that i tend to frequent because it's only a few blocks away from my house and i know the bartenders and many of the regulars. i headed down there, and stumbled into the birthday celebration. it was a good time. better than my cinco de mayo, which involved being present for a stabbing, but that's a whole different story.
generally i only get sucked into tipsy texting. i don't really like talking on the phone enough for the other options, and am far too shy in my non-internet persona for pretty much all of them. although it seems like i got into tipsy message board postings, too.
these comments are turning into the length of small emails, i think. oh, well.
i grew up in western pennsylvania, bummed around various parts of pa for most of my life, then moved to massachusetts for a year before i moved to boise. it's kindof a different world out here in a lot of ways. i'm pretty sure i like it, though. well, not boise per se, but the more western part of the country. i guess it's just a matter of seeing where i end up for master's degree number 2. one school i'll likely apply to is way back easy, one's in portland, and one's in arizona. i need to work on that list a little bit, though.
heh. i do appreciate my digital camera. it was quite nice to have it for spain, driving across the country (although those pictures are floating on someone else's flickr instead of mine), and for being in thailand. i didn't pick up my holga until i was in thailand, but now i pretty much love her. i love her enough to be playing with visual poetry, which is pretty fun. and which i will also likely really fail at. but i've got to fail a lot to figure it out before i can be decent at it. it'll all work out in the end, i imagine.
while i certainly consider my mom and my sisters to be nerdy in their own way, i imagine i've probably got some of the most stereotypical geekdom. i'm the one with the comic book tattoos who reads a lot of poetry, i'm the one who loves to sit around playing bored games or reading books and used to play magic: the gathering, etc etc. i'm more than okay with it, really.
yeah, there's this one bar that i tend to frequent because it's only a few blocks away from my house and i know the bartenders and many of the regulars. i headed down there, and stumbled into the birthday celebration. it was a good time. better than my cinco de mayo, which involved being present for a stabbing, but that's a whole different story.
generally i only get sucked into tipsy texting. i don't really like talking on the phone enough for the other options, and am far too shy in my non-internet persona for pretty much all of them. although it seems like i got into tipsy message board postings, too.
these comments are turning into the length of small emails, i think. oh, well.
So I just got back into town after a very full weekend (one that didn't even include McMinnville's Alien Day parade). Couple of Barbecues, karaoke, 4 birthdays, Librarian Prom, Trader Joe's stockpiling, getting my numbers imported to my new phone, getting up early to the sounds of a friend's barfing girlfriend, and a rousing game of badminton.
also...alien day parade? huh.
it seems obvious, then, that you can't be invited to the party. either that or you'd be forced into helping me maniacally plan it, which ends up being a lot of fun. i hosted a pirate themed murder mystery dinner party when i lived in boston and it was really quite rad. sadly, here, i don't really have a place to host one, nor do i know enough awesome people to really participate. but someday....someday.
the thing about vomiting is that generally speaking, it's not done purposely. so perhaps you should forgive your buddy's girlfriend her transgresses, particularly if it means you have a place to crash when i'm in town, which seems like a good thing to have. mostly for the selfish reason of wanting to meet you.
it seems to me that it's likely there are pictures of said librarian prom, and if that's the case, i would like to see them. very much so, for that matter. i have a thing for karaoke. i started going pretty close after i moved to boise, and fell in love with it quite quickly. my favorite dive bar does it twice a week. in fact, it's quite likely that's where i'll be tonight. there are horrible and embarrassing youtube videos floating about of me doing karaoke.
alien day parade sounds splendid. i have a weakness for kitschy little things like that. i think i'd love it.
the thing about vomiting is that generally speaking, it's not done purposely. so perhaps you should forgive your buddy's girlfriend her transgresses, particularly if it means you have a place to crash when i'm in town, which seems like a good thing to have. mostly for the selfish reason of wanting to meet you.
it seems to me that it's likely there are pictures of said librarian prom, and if that's the case, i would like to see them. very much so, for that matter. i have a thing for karaoke. i started going pretty close after i moved to boise, and fell in love with it quite quickly. my favorite dive bar does it twice a week. in fact, it's quite likely that's where i'll be tonight. there are horrible and embarrassing youtube videos floating about of me doing karaoke.
alien day parade sounds splendid. i have a weakness for kitschy little things like that. i think i'd love it.
I took my mom to the zoo on Sunday. In the long run it's cheaper than a nursing home.
yeah. silly spines. well...i'm currently seeing the chriopractor three times a week. it's been helping. but i had the realization yesterday that i'm only covered by my insurance for 24 visits a year. i'll hit fifteen next week, which means that until august i've only really got 9 more. i'll figure it out, i'm sure.
i kindof laugh at the thought of you sprawled out on a yoga ball. but i don't think it's you. i think it's the yoga ball.
i kindof laugh at the thought of you sprawled out on a yoga ball. but i don't think it's you. i think it's the yoga ball.
if only i had such sewing skills, i would wear such outfits on a fairly regular basis. dinosaurs? complete with tails? i think i'd probably be in love. instead, i just seek out and find clothing that's probably not actually made for people my age. but it makes me happy, and i'm a bit goofy, so i don't particularly care about that.
meh. it's strange. i'm planning on going to another mfa program when i'm done with this one. but this year has been a remarkable train wreck for this program. remarkable. however, i don't think that's a great conversation to have via public comments on journals. *shrug*
meh. it's strange. i'm planning on going to another mfa program when i'm done with this one. but this year has been a remarkable train wreck for this program. remarkable. however, i don't think that's a great conversation to have via public comments on journals. *shrug*
It's looking less and less like I'm going to have a date for the librarian prom.
I am finally well-rested enough to discuss the Bridgetown Comedy Festival. Many late nights. Much laughing. Shook many, many hands. Too much alcohol. I was also reminded of 4 very universal truths:
1. 200 people in a hotel convention room at 3am who all need to be the center of attention can be very trying.
2. When people "aren't doing it for the money" they'll...
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1. 200 people in a hotel convention room at 3am who all need to be the center of attention can be very trying.
2. When people "aren't doing it for the money" they'll...
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