eating sushi with the "morally bankrupt" Bridget at the silverlake staple Zen Sushi.
ever been on there on a monday night? no? well, here's a tip: it's like crack, just don't do it. Zen Sushi on a monday night is filled with silverlake hipsters. hipsters that make my fucking skin crawl.
Exhibit A: notice the hipster behind Bridget. He's eating sushi, which probably cost him upwards of 50 bucks. and he's drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Pabst BR. and wulfing down a sauerkraut-n-mustard hot dog or a burger with a PBR on a hot day, is one of life's little joys, but kids, when yer eating sushi, PBR is not an acceptable beer to go along with the delicate palette of sushi. just don't do it. For this particular guy, he probably thought he was making a social statement. fuck that.

ever been on there on a monday night? no? well, here's a tip: it's like crack, just don't do it. Zen Sushi on a monday night is filled with silverlake hipsters. hipsters that make my fucking skin crawl.
Exhibit A: notice the hipster behind Bridget. He's eating sushi, which probably cost him upwards of 50 bucks. and he's drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Pabst BR. and wulfing down a sauerkraut-n-mustard hot dog or a burger with a PBR on a hot day, is one of life's little joys, but kids, when yer eating sushi, PBR is not an acceptable beer to go along with the delicate palette of sushi. just don't do it. For this particular guy, he probably thought he was making a social statement. fuck that.
-He didn't think he was amking a social statement, he was doing the opposite, he ws just drinking exactly what he knows is the hip and cool thing to drink in a hip and cool place with his hip and cool outift and attitude. Dude, he's the epitome of non-statement. fuck that guy.