quite amusing biggrin
Well I've just gotten back from visiting my parents for a few days and the biggest thing ive noticed is the shock of having to eat my own cooking again. It was good to see them again, aswell as my dog Brandy. I cant believe it was 7:00 in the morning when this picture was taken, it sure does stay pitch dark for a long...
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Well Ive had a bit of a strange day. (well not that strange) After going to class this morning, I ended up spending essentially the next 6 hours reading Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein while I waited in between my morning class and evening class. Anyways, after finishing the book I ended up spending the entire buss ride home contemplating the meaning...
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Meh... Nothing much going on. Im still awake at 6 am, and for some reason decided to change my alias. JeffD just seemed too real for an online community. Im not sure why I ever used it in the first place (my guess would be that I couldnt think of anythign else at the time).

Anyways, its defiantly time to catch a few hours of...
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holy shit... he's alive.
i did that not going to bed thing the night before.

hope you got caught up.
Wow, I guess its been a long time since Ive made an update here. Heres a quick one.

Since last year ive switched majors from mechanical engineering to economics (partually my getting sick or engineering, partially screwing up school last year). My brother has also started university at the same school as me, and strange enough due to me switching majors I have a few...
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Death and how it effects people sure is fucked up.

I found out this morning that my 16 year old cousin who has been fighting off cancer for two years finally passed away. I never thought it would actually happen.

For the past few years she has been paralyzed from the waste down, and has had a better outlook on life than anyone else Ive...
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im so sorry to hear that. frown
happy birthday stranger!
Well its taken long enough, but I finally got a job today. Ive pretty much known I would have it for the last two weeks or so, but its nice to have the interview done with and the whole thing official.

Basically, im going to be spending the rest of the summer getting up extremely early (and by that I mean 4am ish) and then...
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sa-weet. congrats on the job!!
This is basically a "screw you world I remembered to post"
post. But I'll add some content too it.

So for the past year Ive been living in Kanata with my cousin and another roomate in my cousins parents place while his parents have moved down to Atlanta for a 3 year work contract.

On sunday night (mothersday) my aunt came back from Atlanta to...
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actually i just graduated from it. thats cool though. does he/she like it?

mmm... raspberries.
Well congratulations on graduating then smile

Yeah, he seems to like it. Thanks for reminding me about the rasberries too, I think ive still got some in the freezer.
It really has been a long time since Ive updated hasnt it? I couldve sworn I posted at least one thing last month, but I guess not.

Anyways, right now Im basically in job search mde. Ive decided to stay in Ottawa for the summer, so Ive got to get my ass in gear and find some work. Speaking of that, as soon as I...
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So last saturday I woke up with a rash on my side, but being me, diddnt go in to see the doctor untill today (well yestarday since its almost 3am now). Turns out, that Ive got shingles. Isnt that fun. I always thought that was somthing that only old people got.

My doctor did say that she had seen quite a few younger people come...
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how's the zoster??
Ok thats really wierd then. The only sites I can access are SuicideGirls.com and newzbin.com. MSN doesnt work, but Skype does. Oh, and I lost my connection to World of Warcraft, and pokerroom.com. Strange.
Hmm, im not sure if my internets out and im just viewing cached pages, or if its working. This should test it.