bahaha i got the most kickass pair of off-white converse hightops at a shop in kensington mkt yesterday. $25! they're a size too big, but who cares. you know what they say about guys with big feet. wink

today i head down to cherry beach to enjoy some sun & fun & surf. i can't wait. good thing summer weather doesn't end the day summer vacation...
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Happy Birthday Jeeff with 2 F's and E's !
the chelsea whistle, by michelle tea.
good movies* have you seen fallen angels? (another wong kar wai movie)
fro begone! thanks for the advice guys, tho i didn't listen to either of you. i'm not really an all-or-nothing guy when it comes to hair i guess. last night's hair styling & dyeing odyssey was pretty entertaining.

ps. forgive the messy room in the new photo. my mother would be so ashamed.
ah, my constichency (see: o' borother). Sounds like a plan, come the great SG electoral college.
i'm back from nevada. i didn't manage to meet up with any of the suicidegirls & members at the event. i tried a couple times but was foiled by bad timing. too bad curry was scheduled during the show me ceremony with crimson rose. i couldn't miss that. i guess it wasn't meant to be.

i expected things to change in the desert. i had...
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I had the same problem with the puffy curly hair. My solution: shave it off. Not saying that's what you need to do, but that's what worked for me.
go with the fro, man, go with the fro
and i'm off!
see you there....

safe travels!
i'm sure you'll do fine. most people seem to be too enthralled with the whole fire-whipping-through-the-air thing to really care if/when you mess up.

have fun at bm (heh.).
ok i've decided. i get back from burning man, and FUCK illustration. i have resigned myself to a crappy day job and having fun in the other hours of the week. work sucks, period. i have no more patience for this shit, its totally ruining my appreciation for drawing, art, creativity, etc.

this time next month i'll be mopping the floors at the 50-cent peepshow...
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ow, my lip is all fucked up. i went to a beach party last sunday and i think i got too much sun or something. i came home and one side of my lower lip was all blistered up. i can't imagine what else it could be.

anyways, i'm looking pretty gross right now. no suicideboys pics for me. lips are bad places for scabs,...
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Sounds like your brother is going to have a blast! What do you mean he's delayed? Does he have some kind of emotional or mental condition? Sorry for being nosey. biggrin
I yelled out the window when I went through Toronto area. I also pissed by a few of your roads (I am such a lady). That sucked. and what was up with all the fog? sheeeesh.
you guys rule.

so it's almost bedtime. a good time for me to write about my dream last night. it freaked me out completely.

a bit of background: i only have nightmares. but they're good nightmares. scenarios i can enjoy, like being a james bond-esque secret agent trying to escape alaska with an army of skiing ninjas behind me. or trying to save the planet...
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sounds like a burning man anxiety dream. : )

Maybe we can start our own on-line sex toy shop then.

As for explaning that to the folks, that would not be such a big deal for me since I'm constantly worried I'll run into my mom at my local sex shop. *shudder*

I meant to compliment your new picture.

spin those poi boy!
well, i got my banana muffin. the next thing on the list is sleep, but unfortunately that's being delayed by a mountain of late-night work (which is being delayed by my sg journal, go figure).

i've got a bit of a situation. for some reason, people always think i'm older than i am. i get anything from 26 to 30ish. i don't think i look...
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I agree with c0mp1ac3nt.
You shouldn't be thinking too serious right away..kid or no kid..that could still freak her out and send her running for the hills.

Why does she HAVE to be thinking what kind of father you would be right away? All she has to think of is if you treat her well which will make her happy and it is her job to make her kiddo happy ...Unless of course the childs father is not in the picture...I suppose some women actually are in the frame of mind in looking for a father figure for their kid but I personally have never met one. Seen them in movies, yes.

Every situation is different. Hang out, have fun. See where it goes smile

thanks very much for the advice all three of you. things seem a bit clearer now, and i guess it's just a matter of going in with my mind & eyes open, and not getting too far ahead of myself. sigh, life is complicated sometimes.
you can't imagine how much i neeeeeed a banana muffin right now.
i can imagine how much you need a banada muffin.

i just can't understand it.
wow. last night i hosted a great big house party in honour of a few friends' birthdays and it was fucking maaaaaaaaad! it was a leo party. everyone came dressed up as cats. there were some amazing costumes. we had a live 7-piece samba drumming squad perform in the back yard (complaints from 3 neighbours, cops came once.. whoops) and a live deep house group...
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