So, I'm wondering how a place can get away with posting that a job is full-time, following up with saying the job is part-time, and stating in the interview that it's one day a week and on-call every other day. Because the Post Office just pulled that shit. Their email asking for an interview said that the job was part-time, so I figured it'd be worth going since it might be like 30 hours a week or something. At $16.30 an hour, that would've been fine with me. But no, the job turned out to be one day a week, and ready to head into work if called at 7am any other day. Sorry, but it's pretty hard to live off MAYBE two shifts a week.
That's alright though, because I might just go back to static security instead of armored cars. I found an armed security job pretty quickly that's much closer than my current job, and I'll make just a little less than I do now after what I'll save in fuel. Plus, this place will actually have overtime after 40 hours, so I'll jump on that when I can, since I do that right now, anyway. Maybe I'll even work part-time at my current job, if the schedules line up.