Today is an exciting day. Or maybe the calm before the storm. Im stoked. Today I need to get shit done before we go to Seattle tommorrow. Get some cash, clean clothes, and numbers of people and places. I dont want hardly anything for the trip. I want to be a total minimalist. Backpack and a decent hoodie and shoes. Oh yeah some more good...
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Hey man, just saw the mention you gave us on Missd's journal, thanks for the props!
So cool to meet you guys, I had a nice time. Geez I think I drank a little much though! It would be fun to hang out again and really cool if you guys did decide to move here.
Well Im a risk taker and a bitch breaker and a money maker
Dress my bitches in beats, put em on the streets
15 each, top notch freaks
Work for me, build my name
Ease your world and teach you game
To each... you came. Spread the word
We got the tightest ones,I thought you heard
It's cool for nerds, and they go both ways...
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You should get the song Beautiful by Mos Def featuring Talib Kwali and Mary J...I dunno if you'll dig it but I love that track right now.
No way! Universities in the US cost about 2x as much as Canadian ones, plus it's in American dollars. Besides, there's all the immegration headaches to think about and your leaders scare me. A lot. smile
So, I got off work from one of my jobs tonight super late, so I was out smoking a cigarette just a second ago and it's 4:30 am. The weirdest shit. Im on the fire escape and the sky lights up in the north. Then an explosion sound...then another flash of light. It's overcast like usual so I couldnt tell what it was. Now, we...
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Woah that's crazy. I fucking LOVE thunderstorms. I think they're so beautiful. We have a covered deck and live right near the water so it's super cool to just sit out there in the summer and watch the lightening over the bay. Also when it's just heavy rain I sleep so much better, I love the air after good hard rain.

And yeah...that guy fucking sucks ASS but I'm not worried about it anymore. Whatever right...I just hurt me because I'm not that kind of girl like at all. Everyone I've been with before that I've had really strong bonds with and just whatever, you know the story. It was my bad judgement, I rushed into it because we have known each other for a couple years and I thought he was the sweetest guy in the world....but in the end I guess almost every guy is just lookin for a piece of ass sometimes.
Today, my agenda is laundry and something active. Hopefully something different as well. skull
Hey, I'm working on the Pet ID booth and I need someone to help who can can handle a hammer and the BBQ at the same time. I thought of you. I'm getting the tent trailer out of it so as to make more retail space. Justin is supposed to be helping but he is unbelievably flaky. I hope all is well in Portland. We're having really nice weather right now.
So, I did this freewriting thing on myspace that has made me want to do it here. It's basicly random thoughts, completely ignoring the fact that someone is going to read it. The thing is, I whine too much here, without giving details and totallly holding back. I think my journals will serve me better if I were totally honest and never held back like...
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Tough start for a week. Im now in diversion, which is classes=info class/group therapy that is madatory for my dui. It's costing me allmost as much as I make. So, needless to say, rent/food/etc. are taking a beating and not making ends meet. I feel like this is the hardest year of my life. The last few years has beaten me up and changed me...
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I don't even know what to tell you honey.
In so many ways I'm in the same situation.
I litereally make myself sick over it too, I as in emergency all day yesturday because the night before I had a four and a half hour long panic attack...or at least that's what they think.
Boo to that shit!

Hang in there. kiss
when are you coming up?
So, today is very nice out. It's funny how weather effects your mood. In my case I think it's the amount of light and pretty scenery. There was plenty of sun in Vegas, yet I hated living there because everything looked ugly, and people acted ugly. The northwest is the opposite of that. It has alot of culture and a good balance of city and...
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what he said smile

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
hi boyfriend....too bad you feel like crap....a bike ride would be nice.......i looooooooooooooooove you!!! smooches and stuff...xoxo
Daydreaming of what I would do if I could go back and do it over again. A clean slate, youth, a wide-open future. Would I want to go back to 23?...18?...16? Im half way between being young and being an old man. I see the truth in the saying "Youth is wasted on the young. and... If I knew then what I know now" yet...
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beautiful. ...i know what you mean...it's something i think of constantly, but what gets me is that instead of just thinking, i'm not putting it into action. irony/stupidity on my part.
It's hard not to look back or regret the things we did wrong. As much as they sting, as awful as the are, as scared as they make us, as bad as they smell there is nothing we can do to change them... with that said, why look back?

I'm a fairly optimistic person. Maybe it's the naivity of being 20 (just turned 20) or maybe because I've experienced much more in my life than most 30 year olds. To me, regrets are worthless, and all we have is hope.

All life is is hope.

As soon as we are born all we have to really look forward to is dying, so why not make everything in the middle last and not say, "I wish I coulda.." All we have to look forward to is the future, to cling onto it for dear life and just hope, hope, that we do things better the second, third, forth time around.

I'm rambling.. haha. Sorry. Faye suggested on her jounral that we check you out. You are hot, and very insightful. Take good care.. kiss

[Edited on Apr 22, 2005 12:37PM]
Grumpasourisrex is my official name lately. I want to have some fun or do something that makes me feel good. Everyone seems to be doing other stuff. When I work everyone wants to go out and have fun, when I have time off everyone wants to either stay home, sleep, or do something else without me. Basicly, it gives me the message that Im not...
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i miss you too...frown
Doing stuff alone is cool sometimes.
Todays thoughts:

I dont want fate to decide my life for me. I want control and the opportunity to do more with my life. I keep running into walls and I want to be able to go over or around the obsticles.

I need sleep, space, time, and progress. All of those are out of my hands to control right now, but I need to...
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hey if it makes u feel any better i had a 5150 lady who was 60+ yrs old tell me she wanted to marry me fuck me suck my dick and then drink cabernet and eat avacdos with me on first street in downtown san jo...... i had to wait with her for an hour cause the police didnt want to come so when i left to talk to my partner she got mad and started throwing newspaper vending machines like they were toys ( she was big), then she kept trying to touch me and she smoked all my cigs..... then the police come after an hour talk tyo her for like 5 min and leave................................ lazy fuckers.........

buy then i was gone wink biggrin
i'm always an interesting read....always