Last night about 11 i was at a gas station talking to a friend of mine who works there. You'd be suprised at what you see in a place like that. On the surface it might seem boring. Its not as bad as you'd think. I was there for maybe 20 minutes watching. First this rather trendy looking a-typical blonde came in. After filling her mercades s500 she proceeded to stumble in to pay. My friend was telling her that he was worried about her because the last time he saw her in thier she was wasted and falling over onto some guy that she walked in with. He wanted to make sure she wasnt drugged or something. Her response was " Oh who was it... my husband, my boyfriend or someone else?" Yeah... thats special. Im pretty sure my friends going to try for a bj from her the next time she comes in trying to buy beer after the cut off time. Evidently she comes in after the bars close quite often and tries to buy beer.
The other intresting customer was a mexican guy that came stubbling into the place. Me and Carlos were standing outside smoking when he fell into someone getting into thier car. The guy had dirt all over him like he just fallen down. Carlos said watch this. The guy walked to the beer section and pulled out a heiniken from a 6 pack. He unsuccefully tried to open it. My friend told him to put it back and he did. He was directed towards the singles section and finally after 3 minutes managed to grab a budwieser duce duce. He paid in wadded up singles and tried to leave. On his way out he almost fell down trying to open the door. Problem was the door was already open. He went stumbling into the night and probably passed out in a ditch somewhere. Oh well.
After that i decided that was enough so i went next door grabbed some food at wendys and headed home.
The other intresting customer was a mexican guy that came stubbling into the place. Me and Carlos were standing outside smoking when he fell into someone getting into thier car. The guy had dirt all over him like he just fallen down. Carlos said watch this. The guy walked to the beer section and pulled out a heiniken from a 6 pack. He unsuccefully tried to open it. My friend told him to put it back and he did. He was directed towards the singles section and finally after 3 minutes managed to grab a budwieser duce duce. He paid in wadded up singles and tried to leave. On his way out he almost fell down trying to open the door. Problem was the door was already open. He went stumbling into the night and probably passed out in a ditch somewhere. Oh well.
After that i decided that was enough so i went next door grabbed some food at wendys and headed home.
I don't drink anymore so I notice a lot of things like that when I am out late at night...
