Well im mostly single again. Im not officially dating anyone. I am still messing around with my coworker and im not sure how to stop that. I also met a nice russian girl. We went out once and everything went great (in other words i went home with her that night). I havent gotten to go out with her again. Its been quite some time i've been this infacutated with a girl though. Hopefully it will work out. I also ran into another girl that i used to mess around with. I could never see myself with her but she's fun to hang out with.
Im just counting down to St. Patty's day. Hopefully i'll find a redhead. I'm starting at 8 am. I got a hotel room to crash at during the afternoon when im good and bombed.
Im just counting down to St. Patty's day. Hopefully i'll find a redhead. I'm starting at 8 am. I got a hotel room to crash at during the afternoon when im good and bombed.
Women are nothing but trouble.