My new years was all kinds of fun. So i got a hotel in dc. Paid about 185 for it. All of my friends were at a bar/party that was sold out. I didnt get tickets when i could have because i wasnt sure what the girl im dating wanted to do. So fine we go to a club called Lulu's. 100 per person open bar. Spent 20 minutes inline at the coat check. Had a few beers and then humored her by dancing to some hip hop. We danced until my knee went out and decided to get some drinks for when the ball dropped. We met some people at that time and had fun talking to them until about 1. At that time my girl started to get a bit sloppy. I think she told someone she loved me. At 1:30 or so some guy with beads comes by. She flashes him... she's the only one in the bar that does it. Im ok with that to a certain degree. I'd be ok with it if shes wasnt the only one doing it. At 2 she got sick on the bar and on my arm. By 2:05 we got kicked out. Im still somewhat sober at this point. I was feeling the alcohol but thats about it. Got her back to the hotel and she puked some more... on herself. Thankfully i had gotten her in the bathtub at this point. I spent the next two hours cleaning her up and eventually threw her in the bed. Where she puked a bit more but thankfully on a towel. The next day she woke up with a headache but other than that fine. She remebers nothing of the ordeal. I was ok at first but now im starting to get bitter about the entire situation.
Heres the funny part. I've wanted to break it off with this girl for awhile now. She had some bad stuff happen to her last xmas. She had an ectopic pregnacy that almost killed her and her bf who she was living with dumped her while she was in the hospitol. Her bday is just a few days before xmas. I thought i'd nut up and hold off breaking up with her until after the holidays... mid january-ish. Tonight i talked to her and she found out her best friend was keeping alot of stuff from her and she might have ovarian cancer. They need more tests to confirm it. Ugh.
She's a really sweet girl thats suprisingly not crazy. The problem is we have nothing at all in common. I'll list her likes. Lib gloss, dancing to hip hop/dance music and she likes the idea of working with money. Thats it. I just summed up her whole life. Our conversations typically go absolutely nowhere and i end up telling dumb stories about things that happend to me. Im kinda at a loss as to what to do with her. She's a great girl just not one i can see myself with. I just dont want to hurt her.
Heres the funny part. I've wanted to break it off with this girl for awhile now. She had some bad stuff happen to her last xmas. She had an ectopic pregnacy that almost killed her and her bf who she was living with dumped her while she was in the hospitol. Her bday is just a few days before xmas. I thought i'd nut up and hold off breaking up with her until after the holidays... mid january-ish. Tonight i talked to her and she found out her best friend was keeping alot of stuff from her and she might have ovarian cancer. They need more tests to confirm it. Ugh.
She's a really sweet girl thats suprisingly not crazy. The problem is we have nothing at all in common. I'll list her likes. Lib gloss, dancing to hip hop/dance music and she likes the idea of working with money. Thats it. I just summed up her whole life. Our conversations typically go absolutely nowhere and i end up telling dumb stories about things that happend to me. Im kinda at a loss as to what to do with her. She's a great girl just not one i can see myself with. I just dont want to hurt her.
Break it off as soon as possible. The longer you hold out, the more she'll be hurt. ESPECIALLY if she finds out you were just holding off on breaking up with her to keep from destroying her holidays. If you have nothing in common and shes as deep as you make her seem, it wont go anywhere positive. You're just wasting your time and hers. Either way its going to hurt her. But it will be worse later on. Good luck. I know how bad that stuff sucks. But she'll move on. New lip glosses will come out and fresh hip hop music to dance to, and she'll move on.