Last saturday i was running duty and about 1 in the morning we get a call for a 54 year old mentaly handicapped guy that fell down the steps. Ok no problem. We get there and get a neck brace (c-collar) on him. We roll him onto a backboard with relative ease. Then he decided he wanted to get up. Yeah.... Thats when we found out he is also autistic and prone to fits of violence. I suddenly find myself trying to hold this guy down while my partners try to strap him in. When i say hold down i mean i laid there holding his arms and tried to keep his legs from moving while he kneed me in the ribs. After about 15 minutes of this we had to call for backup. It took another 15 minutes and many many straps to finally get this guy down. In total i think thier were two people holding him and 5 more strapping him down. We had to pull his socks off to see if he was still getting blood to his feet. They looked like something out of a werewolf movie. His toe nails were at least an inch long. By the time we got him to the hospitol he worked an arm free and i had to help tie him to the bed. The ER nurse was really cute. I would have tried hitting on her if thier wasnt autistic guy with wolf feet screaming between us. Oh well.
Really what this whole story boils down to is that I GOT MY ASS KICKED BY A RETARD*. Im having some issues with this. My ribs were hurting for two days. I missed work on monday.
*Disclaimer, I try not to use that word but its funny in this text.
Really what this whole story boils down to is that I GOT MY ASS KICKED BY A RETARD*. Im having some issues with this. My ribs were hurting for two days. I missed work on monday.
*Disclaimer, I try not to use that word but its funny in this text.
My brother has a brain injury from a car accident. When he was completely in a coma and started to slowly come out over a series of months he started to be able to move a bit and would just lash out at anyone taking care of him. I know exactly what it feels like to get kicked in the chest and to have to just keep taking it and hold him down to help him. It just sucks...

Sorry man. Its a weird situation to be in. You cant blame the person or be upset no matter how bad it hurts. This is just my natural dark humor coming out and in a sense helping me deal with it.