Time to drink heavily.
Me and a couple of friends rang up a 775 dollar bar tab last night. Then i slept with a random woman.
Almost any sentence can be made creepy by adding "...while masturbating" to the end of it.
I need to start using this more.
Reminder to post about vegas....
This weekend.... Friday was lackluster but i found a neat piano bar thats an offshoot of a typical club. Saturday was quite different. Went to the local bar where they were celebrating mardi gras. No tits... which was a good thing. Most people there were old enough to be my parents. I did...
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Reminder to post about vegas....
This weekend.... Friday was lackluster but i found a neat piano bar thats an offshoot of a typical club. Saturday was quite different. Went to the local bar where they were celebrating mardi gras. No tits... which was a good thing. Most people there were old enough to be my parents. I did...
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Im back.
Me too. 

The wedding was intresting. The brides maid i escorted was a model. Big ol' titties and a slight punk/goth look. She was a bit short though. Thats probably because she was only 15.... damnit! She got drunk off of a glass of malibu on the way to the reception. I had to hold her straight while we were introduced. I wasnt directly responsible for that....
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Oh I love your sordid stories. You have the most interesting life.
I threw a bachlor party for a friend of mine on my birthday. Drinks were had and strippers where fondled... but not in a duke lacrosse kinda way. This weekend is the guys wedding. Im in it. Yay. Foolishly im bringing a date. Hmm... how wrong would it be to try and ditch her for a bridesmaid. Its not that i want to be an...
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hahaha, how come every time i read your shit, i think. "damn jay, you're my hero...still?"
ditch the date if you can!
ditch the date if you can!

A++++ would read again.
Make up some excuse to not bring the date. Screw 2 bridesmaids at once if you can.

Make up some excuse to not bring the date. Screw 2 bridesmaids at once if you can.
Well im mostly single again. Im not officially dating anyone. I am still messing around with my coworker and im not sure how to stop that. I also met a nice russian girl. We went out once and everything went great (in other words i went home with her that night). I havent gotten to go out with her again. Its been quite some time...
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Women are nothing but trouble. 

Hmm.. lets see where my life is right now. I broke up with the girl i was dating for 7 months last night. I actually cheated on her on valentines day no less with a co worker while on a business trip. I expect to be dating her soon. Not that i want to date her but i think it will probably be the right...
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So far today i've accomplished nothing other than annoy the girl im dating, browse this site and lookup welders and body panels. I also started in on a book on pirates i picked up the other day. Somehow i have a new found love of pirates all stemming from buying a dumb calender to annoy my boss. Its funny how things work.
Just thought I'd drop in and say hi