Yipeeeeeeee! My throat is sore, my ears are deaf, my back hurts and my eyes are tired... Then why, Yipeeeeee? I spent the whole day in the studio, getting lost between ideas and sounds and all of that. I think this is my angriest song ever, not that I'm an angry person, but when things build up it's got to go somewhere, so into the music it is. I've been thinking allot about the Xenophobia thing lately (read my previous blog) And it pisses me off. (South Africans are killing foreigners cause they take our jobs). Anywhoo, what a weekend. My weekend started with my new tattoo. Wooohooo! 
Friday was boring couse my girlfriend is sick (so, Ill get the flu by tomorrow and screaming at the top of my lungs the whole day doesn't exactly help, does it?). Saturday we went clubbing, I got wasted and accidentally puked in the girls bathroom (woops) Saw some cool bands, danced like a freak. Then the bands left and my brother in law had a chat with the DJ. Only what we wanted to hear. So we basically broke our backs banging to the sounds of The Metal. Then we went home and sat and chatted the night away. Sunday was cold and sleepy.
Yip thats it from me for Monday!

Friday was boring couse my girlfriend is sick (so, Ill get the flu by tomorrow and screaming at the top of my lungs the whole day doesn't exactly help, does it?). Saturday we went clubbing, I got wasted and accidentally puked in the girls bathroom (woops) Saw some cool bands, danced like a freak. Then the bands left and my brother in law had a chat with the DJ. Only what we wanted to hear. So we basically broke our backs banging to the sounds of The Metal. Then we went home and sat and chatted the night away. Sunday was cold and sleepy.
Yip thats it from me for Monday!

cool new tattoo!
You can email Barbara at redcross@mweb.co.za
She guided us in what/where/how we can help.
Take care!