Today was a long day... I was up till 6:30am this morning fixing a friend of the families computer from a plague of viruses, knowing I had to be at work for around 9:30am-ish. I set both my alarm clock and cell phone alarm. There is absolutely nothing I hate more than the sound of a alarm clock, even in movies it makes me cringe. I set it for 9:15am since I knew there was no way in hell I could wake up any earlier. My work is pretty flexible, I set my own hours, just wanted to get a bunch in. I woke up, I think, at the right time, dove for the alarm clock to shut it up, then about threw my cell phone at the wall, I mashed buttons instead till it stopped. Then I fell back asleep on my bed automatically. Somehow, I started to dream about being chased by bees and they kept stinging me, and the pain was intense enough that I woke up about an hour later, pissed off at bees. I made it to work, but insanely still tired to death.
So, I'm working and I get a call from the general manager of the restaurant that is part of the corporation that I work for and he tells me that one of my housemates got mugged on her way to work and if I could take/accompany her home. It was an odd occurance and unfortunate that I had chose not to drive today, but I went down to see how she was and she was pretty broken up. It had happened on the same route I took about an hour later than her, in broad day light. We live in kinda a ghetto around here, low income housing whatnot, but still, didn't expect this. We took a taxi home at her boss' expense then I drove back to work.
My parents came down to visit me tonight and take me to Moore's to get a nice jacket because I got a nice gift certificate from my grandparents for my birthday. My dad just got back from some conference in Chicago, and he was in New York last weekend, he seems to be travelling a lot more than usual, perks of his job I guess. Anyways, my new jacket will be modded and ready by next Friday, should be nice. Never had a formal one before. My grandparents should be pleased. We intended to get a nice dinner but ran out of time, parents both tired (mom because it was late, and dad because he helped drive with coworkers back from Chicago), so I settled for some quick steak-based fast food from the new mega mall just north of Toronto, Vaughan Mills. I'm not too impressed, but not really of a mall person anyways. Too many people around, whatnot.
After that, I brought my parents home to check out my place, none of my housemates are home, a couple of them went home to work, one of them went to see his gf, and the other went home to see her parents. Some friends came over and we took off to go check out some coffee/dessert chain I've never sampled before called William's. It wasn't too bad. It was snowing a bit and I still got a Iced Corello. I love my caramel, go figure. Just got home now, thought I would write my day up, not sure how many people will actually bother to read this, but whoever you are... you're special... :p
So, I'm working and I get a call from the general manager of the restaurant that is part of the corporation that I work for and he tells me that one of my housemates got mugged on her way to work and if I could take/accompany her home. It was an odd occurance and unfortunate that I had chose not to drive today, but I went down to see how she was and she was pretty broken up. It had happened on the same route I took about an hour later than her, in broad day light. We live in kinda a ghetto around here, low income housing whatnot, but still, didn't expect this. We took a taxi home at her boss' expense then I drove back to work.
My parents came down to visit me tonight and take me to Moore's to get a nice jacket because I got a nice gift certificate from my grandparents for my birthday. My dad just got back from some conference in Chicago, and he was in New York last weekend, he seems to be travelling a lot more than usual, perks of his job I guess. Anyways, my new jacket will be modded and ready by next Friday, should be nice. Never had a formal one before. My grandparents should be pleased. We intended to get a nice dinner but ran out of time, parents both tired (mom because it was late, and dad because he helped drive with coworkers back from Chicago), so I settled for some quick steak-based fast food from the new mega mall just north of Toronto, Vaughan Mills. I'm not too impressed, but not really of a mall person anyways. Too many people around, whatnot.
After that, I brought my parents home to check out my place, none of my housemates are home, a couple of them went home to work, one of them went to see his gf, and the other went home to see her parents. Some friends came over and we took off to go check out some coffee/dessert chain I've never sampled before called William's. It wasn't too bad. It was snowing a bit and I still got a Iced Corello. I love my caramel, go figure. Just got home now, thought I would write my day up, not sure how many people will actually bother to read this, but whoever you are... you're special... :p
You can see my underpants if you REALLY want to, Sylvrfalkon..I'll wear them around the house again.
On my head this time.
[Edited on Nov 17, 2004 9:57AM]
All last spring when I was finishing school, I was either at work from 8-4 or at school from 6 -10 and if i wasn't at those two places I was at home working on term projects or homework. I think I went out about 4 times in 3 months
Sorry 'bout your luck in not seeing Lucy's surprise. I'm sure she will show you them if you ask nicely. If she puts them on her head though you gotta take a picture and put it up here.