i tried putting up pics and it didnt work???
smile hey,how are you!thought i'd say hi! kiss
aww Thanks...... kiss
today i took a shower ..then i gauged my ears to a 1/2 inch hopefully i'll be content with them now smile i just dont wanna go too big.

i cant figure out how to add pictures to my journal entries ...anyone know how too??
its sooo hot outside i think i'll be lazy and just sit around.hopefully i can go to the beach b4 the season is over.
I just put the ring in my lip today...its definalty 10x hotter
hey all! today was a pretty cool day me and lisa went to the beach,and just lounged around. then we got bored and did some fishing on the beach ...we did pretty cool i cought a baby beluga whale and she caught a great white shark eeek we let them go cause we couldnt fit em in the car!! biggrin ha ha im such an ass.but yeah...
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Spotted your application to SGCT and was happy to grant it... Feel free to stop in, check out what local events are in the works and introduce yourself on our New Members Thread. biggrin
Im going to get a ring for my lip...but I'll keep a stud around to play with. Have a happy birthday on the 14th! kiss
today was such an acomplishment..i finally convinced my friend steve to get his ears pierced,ive been tryin to convince him for soo long. he got em pierced at a 10g FINALY!! biggrin i prolly should wait longer but i wanna go 1/2 inch with my ears tom.yay i cant wait....goin to the beach also,dont have to pay for parking anymore.WOW i guess tom. will be pretty...
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Where do you go to get peirced? i went to Black Lotus
hello! tomorrow will be cool im hanging out with my friend steve...dont really know what we'll do prolly snort some coke or heroin of some strippers ass LOL jk.we'll probably go job hunting i need more money and something more fun smile anyone got any suggestions ????????? biggrin
man... i dont know whats wrong with me,but i have this crazy sick obsession with cheek piercings on girls i find unbelievably attractive....my friend disagree's with me he said its too much,screw it i love em.i'm tryin to figure out something fun to do for my b-day ...i dunno......its a while away but, anyone doing anything fun for halloween???? its such a fun day,the whole...
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I'll be going to Salem again I think. I get my costumes from www.buycostumes.com....last year i was Dorothy....I wore 5 inch red sparkle exotic shoes...and walked around all night....I fucking loved it. How about you? do you dress up?
im soooo excited me and a bunch of friends are going up to salem mass this halloween for the haunted nieghborhood 2005 i hope its fun ...ive never been to salem b4
i wanna get a cover up on a tat i rushed into and got the day after my first one....i drew up some things i'll try to add em if i can thier on my cell
thanks kiss
what's up buddies???hope everyone is havin a good day?i'm soooo excited my b-day is the 14th and my present to myself is a tattoo smile and the big e starts two days after sept is fun,fun!
oooo the Big E I havn't been there in years. Hopefully I can go up this year but thats what I say every year. What are you getting tattooed?
very hot bday gift...i'll give you one...<wink>
